Leftenant Pepper

I enjoyed him! Mostly his arse in that suit, but the acting was good too.

There are no safe spaces here. Much like Circle Time, anything you say will just be used to mock you later.
With that said, I will own my love for Stiles/Derek. I recognise it's queerbaitiness and have given up caring. If the actors are going to keep injecting soulful looks into their interactions then I can't be held

Logic and inconsistencies aside, I had a giant smile on my face as soon as Roy and (I cannot believe I'm about to type this) Laurel stepped out of the van. It was so unabashedly comic-y, I couldn't help but love every second. And it rounded off with my favourite thing- showboating Oliver. Yes, you stand there in front

I clicked on this review simply because of the grade too! Take that, show I pretend finished when Rachel stepped out on stage as Fanny Brice!

-Tinkling piano music that builds up to the BWAAAAMMP we all know and love.

Sometimes you nearly get eaten by dinosaurs. No need to be a pussy about it.

It lost me at the "I don't speak loser" joke, then promptly brought me back with the second part.

Snarky Clint is my life blood.
Apparently the farm seen in another clip is Barton's, so if there is any justice there will be plenty of jokes about him just hiding out there for the last three years.

Yep. I just don't buy what Helmsworth and Portman are selling, though I can't tell if it's just my logical side screaming "YOU KNEW EACH OTHER FOR LIKE, ONE WEEKEND" that puts me off or the writing. Jane is a character I like more in theory than execution anyway; she is at her best with Darcy or when doing Science!

The Captain Marvel news makes me want to throw a dance party in the library, but I'm oddly excited for Thor 3 based on the subtitle alone. Dark World was pretty Meh, but give me me that sweet, sweet mythic universe destroying event wrapped in aesthetically pleasing packaging and I'll be a happy bunny.

I. I actually enjoyed the Katrina heavy plot. The character is pretty flat next to basically anyone else on the show, but I enjoy the attempts at fleshing her out. 'Morally ambiguous colonial witch brought to our time, where she acts as a mole in order to help stop the apocalypse' sounds like so much fun when written

I got to the first instance of 'Mutual Milking' and had to stop reading.

The thing on his face looks like it's going to gain sentience any moment now.

I really did not have time to buy all this either. I took an unsecheduled day off, because academia was kicking my butt.

I started to read Jonathan Letham's Chronicle City. I can't quite decide if I like it yet or not, though I have the distinct feeling the main character is going to piss me off the more I read.

I loved those books. They would make pretty good comics too; there are loads of interesting settings that would look wonderful illustrated. Boo :(.

The Oliver cameo was a delight, and I refuse to hear differently! Oliver as the slightly menacing, cooler older brother that delivers a hell of a motivational speech was so much fun. Barry's unrepentant fanboying of the Arrow is so much fun.

I had to pause the episode after laughing too hard at the Glee line. Was it a conscious choice to watch it, or did Ichabod initially just see a show with a cheerful name, then got into the episode?

I was recently persuaded to read this to a bunch of children. Not a single one of them had dry eyes at the end of the passage, so I felt victorious.
Then I had to run to another room to sob for a while.

I watched it in the same way! It was fluffy, fun film. It did leave me convinced that the characters played by Isla Fisher, Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelston were intended to end up in a threesome, so it has that going for it.