Formerly Ms. Marvel right? Yes let's have more yummy less beefy dummy!
Issue #712 Spidey (aka Peter Parker) wakes up and it was all a dream... me bigger!!!!
So no Facon or Grillers for you?
What's a Kardashian?
I can agree with your last paragraph, and it was a question posed to the OP which they answered, the rest may have went astray so I will blame lack of coffee...
okie dokie II :)
okie dokie
*eye roll*
lol true! like your avatar btw...
I know I just need to get one. :)
Ok that made me laugh aloud
+1 Ha...I knew it, admitting it is one step closer! :)
wow I am on that side of the Inner-webs again...
Some people do need a perspective adjustment although I think some will never change...
Me? It was a just a