Gulf of Tonkin is a fantastic example as is the Maine (Remember the maine!)
Gulf of Tonkin is a fantastic example as is the Maine (Remember the maine!)
Why kill off people you could make look like lunatics?
LOL I am not sure how to take that statement...
LOL you are so violent...who is in your pic btw?
Funny if someone else had mentioned this they would be made out to look like a lunatic conspiracy theorist. But because the NSA releases it, it's ok...wait...WHAT?
Sorry but the rules state FOX has the license still
Not sure which is worse the re-reporting of news like a parrot or yet another smear on anyone questioning the official story...
So I am curious, do you think anyone who believes in a conspiracy is automatically a lunatic? People should question the official story and should not be painted with such a broad brush. The willingness to trust a Government who recently admitted to testing Syphilis on blacks is naive at best...
LOL as always hilarious as you state and yet effectively don't address WHEAT is not the problem the problem HYBRID WHEAT!!!
That or something scared them out of the water...
I hope you are using the term hackers to mean hobbyists and not malcontent script kiddies...
Smartly, the report also cautions that these technologies will need to be secure. Developers will be increasingly challenged to prevent hackers from interfering with these devices.
Just because the LAME STREAM MEDIA doesn't report it and then regurgitate it down the stream doesn't mean some of us know about this already more then 6 months old news...
Wondered who would jump on that one...
I work somewhere with lot's and I mean lots of tech toys and even a virtual system is still one computer with an instant fail over in a remote location, works pretty darn good unless the power across the link is down. Still think the singularity is a modern fairy tale for people who don't really know how computers…
I am a Network Administrator, have been for years, been in IT going on 15 years. No way in hell I would trust any of these devices to upload my brain into any time soon. The entire net maybe but a device? Laughable. Kurzweil while very smart is short sighted as are any of his followers in a belief that there will be a…
and yet the mortality rate eventually reaches 100% on all of them :)
His name is even quaint...
I would kick her out of bed...