
Thanks Charlie for the "Video Killed the Radio Star" EARWORM!

Well if the Turkey is not burned this year maybe we can light it on fire! Holidays and magic Fire this is just the kind of tradition I would start with my kid!


oh...I couldn't help it...

I have a GUT feeling you are right...


Just like a Quark, Esther you have a certain Charm when you talk all Quantum physicsey

Wait a minute I thought you was leavin... this some sorta trick? Just cause it's lection day doesn't mean you can be pullin some fast uns!

I do believe Jung adopted much of the idea of seriality and incorporated it into his essay on synchronicity. Jung took it more into the mind and subconscious then into physics, mechanics and gravity. But perhaps they are both a little right when we look at quantum entanglement and the effects of observation...

The things we do for love...Talk about yer 7 year itch! Oh then death...dang!

All that is old is New Again...wonder if the Romans rolled for lion to Christian hit points!

That would be like what 40 or so in Human years? ;)

This is a myth just like Global Warming...that would be my response if I were Republican.

Cause why like you drink water...like outta the torllet?

This really lacks investigation and common sense in the diversity of the area and will undoubtedly be found to be one of the same species already identified in a few years.

What we can't seem to fathom is Civilizations have risen and decayed 10 times over and the current US western influenced one will as well.

I have always wished we might find one of the largest unknown species in my lifetime something that just blows biologists minds but confirms some crypto beliefs not unlike a Cadborosaurus

Needs more Cow Bell...and we need less Zombies the trope is dun...

Spandex is good for the toes...hehe

Myself and a few developers are working on ROBOMNEY (TM) a completly artificial amalgamation of Obama and Romney! We have taken the best and worst of both candidates to please the Left & Right formed them into one A.I. This will in turn help develop sky-net creating WWIII, but will also be the benefactor and watcher