Yep! SO SICK OF GORE PORN when they gonna get a clue I want chills not barf!
Yep! SO SICK OF GORE PORN when they gonna get a clue I want chills not barf!
<—-knows legos aint cheap! YIKES 20,000? WHAT DID IT COST???
Oh I like option 2 I could see that happening, that is if they ever decide to release that they have such a pill...
After watching Snow Expressionless White I have to agree!
Unless they are in the 1% they would never be able to even look at a Senexate pill much less take it...unless they developed it. DAMN I knew I should have been better friends with that girl working a Pfffzier...
They would only prove that was not how they made this simulation...or that they figured out a way around that in this simulation! LOL
Even I treat my Sims with much more respect then we are given!
Donny says Vacuum...
You know most times I don't hate science reports, this is not one of those times.
I actually love non-HOLLYWOOD endings!
That is because how many observations does it take before you realize strange crap happens in Florida. It is not hell, nor one of its circles but I am sure you can find a portal to it from there...
As should the mainstream media...Florida is a strange, strange place.
This is why FARK has a category named FLORIDA...
Yeah, how are you doing...middle age translation...
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