
Yep! SO SICK OF GORE PORN when they gonna get a clue I want chills not barf!

<—-knows legos aint cheap! YIKES 20,000? WHAT DID IT COST???

Oh I like option 2 I could see that happening, that is if they ever decide to release that they have such a pill...

After watching Snow Expressionless White I have to agree!


Unless they are in the 1% they would never be able to even look at a Senexate pill much less take it...unless they developed it. DAMN I knew I should have been better friends with that girl working a Pfffzier...

They would only prove that was not how they made this simulation...or that they figured out a way around that in this simulation! LOL

Even I treat my Sims with much more respect then we are given!

Wait a tick...didn't I watch this movie...

Oh and where did I see that cover image before? OH YEAH!

One could argue TV hasn't been Televised since the home use of VHS. Since then we have had Home Theater, time delayed broadcasts, and archived media...

Where the hell is Twilight Sparkle Barbie and Please for the love of all that is, don't take your shirt off Ken?

You know most times I don't hate science reports, this is not one of those times.

I actually love non-HOLLYWOOD endings!

That is because how many observations does it take before you realize strange crap happens in Florida. It is not hell, nor one of its circles but I am sure you can find a portal to it from there...

As should the mainstream media...Florida is a strange, strange place.

This is why FARK has a category named FLORIDA...

Yeah, how are you doing...middle age translation...

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