
I think the reason they are canceling it is because WGN is going all reality.

Much! A-Deux!

There is no historical accuracy when it comes to a play unless the characters or situation dictate the race of he characters or it is based on an actual historical event. Shakespeare did not write Romeo and Juliet to make sure only white people are playing the parts. Hell when he wrote it men played the women parts.

Yeah I didn't think of that. I'm sure there are WOC who have better written shows/ideas and it's possibly because of Shondra's branding ABC feels they have met their quota and overlooks other pilots.

You did not answer my question. I'm not breezing past anything.

No looking in windows is not cooking. But it can be a way to learn how to cook.

The women asked one woman who did not tell them her recipe and then they went around to several restaurants and spied how to create them. This is the equivalent of learning how to make spaghetti from watching a bunch of Italian chefs in Italy and then coming back to the US and opening an Italian restaurants based on

You're saying she doesn't do any of the writing or overseas it?

Yeah, I thought that too at first, but…i don't think so.

Really wanted to like this. But the writing….the writing. I actually saw posted people saying that Romeo and Juliet were just dumb. They made Romeo a killer twice over and…which was such a surprise to me, the cast were all narrowed to two or three types that I actually got confused who was who's cousin. I don't know

All Shondra needs to do is pitch an idea, cast it, create a general visual style and then quietly yet quickly step back from it and let someone else do the writing.

I was trying to figure out why this story is still the 2nd article on the main page when more recent stories have come and gone…and now I'm thinking it's because the comment outrage meter hasn't been reached yet.

Just so you know, I will now etch "Bitch, you need to get stronger." on my bedroom wall.

Because it's never about education. Education means understanding and understanding threatens the inclusion of context. It's much much easier to point and scream with no idea why.

Fellow bleeding heart. Don't feel like you should qualify how you feel. I agree with you. The problem we are facing is that one side says "don't be sensitive to any issue that's not about people who look like me" and the other side says, "be sensitive to EV-ER-RY-THING!! Be primed for outrage! Someone could prove

But he didnt know his face.

I can't believe that was the beginning of the season. It feels like 5mins ago.

It felt like filler/stall to me too.

Kevin never met Christopher Sunday either.

That thought occurred to me as well when Kevin was reading from the book, I began to wonder if possibly Kevin died during his asphyxiation habit and is just bouncing around from dead reality to dead reality.