
Lesson for me; never buy something that needs to be returned from a store chain that's gonna completely self destruct 5 months later.

Well, congratulations on the birth of your son Mr. District!

Imagine if this was carried out in a country with mostly brown people. It would've gotten barely a mention.

As wonderful as the rest of the cast were, it was something about seeing Kevin role up at the end of the episode that really hit me.

I really really thought that phone call was going to make her change her mind. I mean she didn't even say goodbye to her son.

Damn. This seems like a really really cool idea. Add Janelle Monet as (for some reason a needed) tactical expert and it's gold!

I thought she got cast on a new cable show, no?

Wow. I completely forgot they dated! It just felt so random him needing to save her. Makes slightly more sense now.

Another round of unpopular opinions:

Yeah…it's awful regardless. But…barring an accident or medication influence, he chose it. As horrible as it is, some people I think would prefer the choice…rather than saying goodnight and having no idea it's the last time you're gonna wake up.

Is it worse that it was suicide than a random, unexplained death? I dunno…

I actually don't think I've ever felt this way about hearing of the death of someone well known before.

Whenever I hear about someone dying a few hours after being filmed on stage or something similar, it really creeps me out. Life is indeed too short.

Spoonman, man. Damn.

And can we be honest, here? If she was texting her gf during a relationship fight, then they most certainly were "constantly texting."
"wot happnd?"
"wot did he say???"
"Ok, wot did u say?"
"Listen jus tell him to leave"
"haha…u didn't say that!!"
"he's doing wot???"

I would think yes on A…except he probably intended to get people to talk about the texting/movie issue…and well, he did succeed, so…

lol..I'm thinking maybe he just needed someone to see the movie with…or was killing two birds with one stone.

After putting too much time to thinking about how I come down on this situation, I think I'm going to have to marginally go with the dude on this. He is probably one of those guys that never gets dates because his unreasonable standards don't match his "pull-ability" but I swear I feel like screaming every time some

I don't think I'm very into this episode. First as everyone said we knew Owen's sister was coming back…but I had hoped that it wouldn't happen just because of predictability so the ep lost points from the start.

There is nothing asshole about this memo. I want one of these to carry on my back and post at my office door. Thanks, Steve Harvey.