
I don't understand why can't people give Trump credit? He said he will bring people together…and he is!

I really hate that Ronald Reagan is somehow the standard bearer of what a great president is. He was not a great president.

I feel happy that Spicer now knows he's DWTS material.

Better that than the first ep of Black Mirror.

I don't get it….ah innocence.

I really really don't want to click that dog sperm link. I'm legitimately afraid of where it will take me.

"… in an effort to rebrand itself as a “beverage-led brand.”

Sorry, Mario. Onto the next gig!

Something tells me things are gonna be a little reversed in this area.

Personally I like the theory that he resigned yesterday and Trump graciously made it look like he got fired. A nice snake-bite fuk you to the guy that released Trump into the WH.

I hate you for making me laugh at that.

G*d. Can I just change this channel already?

Hold on. Are you trying to say that those pants suits weren't a sign of the coming apocalypse?!

"Giv'em the old razzle dazzle. Razzle dazzle them."

There are a few things that I think work against the trailer….for example, who cares if it's IMAX? If it looks good, great, if not do I need to be reminded that I'm supposed to think it looks good? Plus it takes you out of the story of the trailer.

For 33 years though? And no assault charges? No one murdered? And his co-defendants were plea bargined out. He was sentenced for the crime of being found not guilty of a crime many people thought he was guilty of.

He only served 9 but he was sentenced to 33.

They would need to recast her though….which I'm all for!

I think maybe they did it to keep their names in the news. Surprise! It worked.

Your spoiler tags are incorrect. you need the "<>". If i didn't already hate the show…