
I would think that it was straight manipulation if it played differently. If things were more nuanced and as Clara got more and more power she slowly started to turn on Ernestine in a way to make me think it was her plan all along. (Though I would think if she's smart enough to manipulate Ernestine from the start then

Yeah I don't think there is a lot of room for agreement either, though I appreciate the attempt. I will say in closing though, that I am not specifically a fan of Chris Brown (though I do like some of his music) nor am I defending anything he's done or is accused of doing. I just have a strong aversion to imperfect

This was a great episode, but I have to admit, it was a little tough getting back to this after last week. Aisha Hinds was so masterful that I was hoping (though knowingly in vain) that the show would pick right up where we left off last week with Tubman giving us another lesson in humanity. As it were I appreciate

It seems clear that white men are cut way more slack than black men in general, but that doesn't mean everyone who's criticizing a progressive show for doing something very non-progressive and insensitive are coming from that point of view.

Listen we can argue the semantics of whether or not she wrote the actual words "Fuck Black-ish", but this low grade review based SOLELY on who it hired in a professional capacity, which is fine if this article was from someone who knew him personally and was there when whatever happened happened and writes in general

Listen, of course people's personal opinion comes into it, but the fact remains there are a few different people reporting on any one tv show or movie, therefore, for all intents and purposes each review represents the whole of the site.

Was I the only one that thought Bow was right to be mad? Zooey's and Jr are 17 and 16 going to a party where there's weed (chips) and alcohol and the cops had to get called. My parents wouda KILLED me..

I am definitely in the minority in that I really didn't like this episode. For a few reasons:
-The early part of the episode made me remember why I liked Scandal in the first place (Olitz chemistry, semi-realistic writing, no spy crap) which made me hate more what the show has become
-It's insulting to me as a fan from

They probably shot this episode as a hail mary after shooting the rest of the season.

That's because they never write it. Unfortunately the show is written as if it's for daytime TV soap fans who care nothing about plot as much as how romantic it is if the guy flies across the country to proclaim their love and takes whatever abuse necessary until the woman he loves comes around.

Damn. Good point.

My head hurts.

I would've totally be down for that idea and it would've made me like the movie more. Dumb idea to sideline him till the end. Now we will never see the three of them together again. I will carry this grudge into "The Last Jedi".

Fine. But that has nothing to do with how he acts in a tv show.

Each reviewer represents AVC otherwise you'd have a bunch of different people reviewing the same movies/shows. If she's reviewing the show, review the show, not who gets cast because of some personal off camera whatever. But people seem to have no problem remembering that when it comes to certain other people

Upvoted for "…by the by".

He's Toto embarrassed by it though.

"Damn" was the thought that came to me after the closing credits. I had to sit on it for a while.

I'm in.

This person is NOT Batman.