
This should be her second award. Her first for supporting. And this one for actress.

Viola. That's all i needed.

Best supporting actress…there's only one right answer.

I honestly thought it was his daughter when I first saw her. But I was wrong. She's too young to be his daughter.

It was the one really good thing about that movie that should have won.

hahaha! Right?!

Hacksaw Ridge!! Holy smokes! So well deserved!

Yay!! Arrival for Sound Editing! I'll take it. Arrival must be awarded for something.

Cuddling up to Bannon's doesnt count.

He did run but no one paid attention. Was carted off pretty early on. Back in the days when Rupubs was still mostly made up of grown-ups.

I would settle for him waking up and deciding this publicity stunt has gone on for too long.

Nah. Couldn't be.

It's on his to do list…….after the 9 hole.

That would make me watch.

Snickerdoodles are better.

Yeah, that whole immigration thing is just a cute adjustment period.

What pandering? Holy crap the revisionist memories! Obama left office with his dignity intact and general adulation so people want to forget how unbelievably difficult his 8 years were. He did not get a break. He got reported on. Some good, some bad. Maybe you're upset because everything didnt have a Fox spin.

The original snowflake!

He's probably already over this whole "King America" thing anyway. With any luck it'll be soon.

But will you do with out #FoxNews? You don't really want to start bumping into walls and things….