
Yeah well I guess kicking news media out of press briefings is also part of "not being chummy". It's not and never has been about media not doing their jobs. They reported negatively on Clinton, Bush (es), Reagan and Carter. This dinner is about understanding that cooperation is needed from all sides in order to find

Frailty was a great movie. Very underrated. Man, I'm not sure if Weird Science was his first job but what an impact in a small role he made. He is one of the most memorable things about that movie.

Has he? I must've missed that ep. Well, hopefully there'll be more.

Maggie (sometimes)
April (sometimes)
Bailey (only recently)

I just wanted to celebrate that the show finally had an Indian actor playing a doctor. Will wonders ever cease?!

I agree with all of this…except about Aja King. She does not telegraph anything to me. No matter how many "I've had a rough childhood" lines we get she still comes off as "I've had a rough childhood…I mean sometimes my mom did not do what I say!"

Yeah it just annoys me how everyone treats her like she was his widow.

It seems that while he loved Denis, he wasnt the love of his life.

I admit i expected to see the lead up to the moment he dropped him off as well as the moments after.

If there is any show it should be reviewing it's Queen Sugar. That show is exactly up this site's alley.

"Everything's better with a lil Beth on it."

It's amazing to me that you even found out that much. I got flagged on a post and tried in vain to find out why. I tend to be talky too so maybe that was it. The post i was responded to seemed to be talky too, so i dont know. But at least you gave some idea, so thanks, yourself! ;p

3rd msg. ;p

I really thought at the time that shot was a season or two away from happening.

So far I've seen two of your posts, so maybe it just took some time to come up?

Damn show. Has completely opened me up. (I mean, who cries at commercials?)
My neighbors probably think I'm either severely depressed or lost a family member. Ugly cried…wailed is more like it. I dont even get it. I had a strong suspicion that this was Williams death episode and it got me anyway. Watching this episode

It always looked good in the commercials but it actually tasted really horrible.

If it make you feel any better Dad said after a few beers he always felt bad about that.

Not to be one of those people but HF is around $143m and LLL is at $134m. Yeah they did pretty well…especially HF who didn't have an A list movie star in a leading role. I do want to see LLL. I liked HF too but I just don't see it being Best Picture…even if I would celebrate it winning.

Are u kidding? Chicago is very much a film ppl still view….especially Cell Block Tango…