
He almost ruined the movie for me. I was also surprised. I wondered if he just didnt take the role seriously.

Thats it! It was just like a world of the undead battling it out unseen by mere mortals.(great observation) It makes no sense realistically but was somehow poetic nevertheless. I dont know why but the movie gets better and better over time like some great dream where the details fade but only the feeling remains.

Dammit, Beetleguese!

Trust me, it'll be a generic mix of "all" races…you know like, AMERICA! (But ultimately it'll come down to Morris Chestnut and the white Morris Chestnut.)


Only just so.

I have no idea why this made me laugh.

My hope for the new year: That all media pundits recognize that Trump wants desperately to be talked about for the things he says rather than for the way he is fucking up the country and they begin to ignore anything he does that is not about policy and thus deserving of a million people rallying in defiance.

I think it's one or the other: either they were stuck for like 20 minutes (in which case no one claps when it starts moving) or they were stuck for an hour or more and everyone is pissed off. No one's gonna freak out though. We've seen everything, nothing gets us that excited. hahaha..

Or Perfect Dad Jack actually had a secret other family and died at "home" with his other daughter?

Re #3: Yeah I agree that at some point Jack transcended from being a great husband to perfect husband to being fairy husband. What might be cool is if we learned that Jack was never this great but we've just been seeing how his family remembers him. (Then again, this isn't The Affair. :p)

haha…I too am a "terrible person." She "called marriage" and I yelled at the screen "but it's MY account, honey!"

I thought maybe that's a place that character always goes and that Kevin will go there and talk to her (get advice or something) while waiting for Sophie, who doesn't show.

The whole name discussion reminds me of the great "Substitute Teacher" sketch by Key and Peele. I mean what is a "normal" name?

I also thought: "what happened to the cake?" I was looking for it in the background.

One half of that "older couple" was the great Marla Gibbs. If you didn't know this Ms. Eichel, some things need fixin. ;p

I actually thought watching this that the show seems to mostly be written for men in a lot of ways. I can't accept that most women would find either Toby or Duke's attitudes attractive. I imagined that the writing room was made up of a bunch of jerky dudes who assume that it's the woman's issue if their actions aren't

These two by far were the worst losses for me in 2016. The picture of them together in this way still guts me.

I think the funniest part for me was when Quinn used her ID to get into the building, the video showed the director but the guard didn't even use a quarter of a second to look up and notice the woman using it was a completely different race…all while Quinn looked directly at him…at the FBI building.

In my opinion not really. Or at least it was well hidden. I used to root for Olivia because wherever she stood it was on the basic side of doing the right thing (or at least having the right outcome).