
I never thought about Bonnie possibly manipulating the situation and everyone involved until the last conversation with Frank. I mean what if the Bonnie that killed Rebecca is really playing everyone including Ana? She never offered herself up to Ana (for killing Rebecca) just Frank.

I actually like her in prison just because I like the change in location. Her getting out would feel like the same old (even if in a new house). I'm interested to see how she deals with real criminals and people who don't fight in a court room. It's a new challenge for her.

I think that's coming. Right now she is mourning Wes and blaming herself for it. I personally don't need another "jumps into prison and automatically becomes a bad ass" that so many shows do. It's not realistic. Anyone never being locked up will take a moment to get adjusted. For her though it's added to fact that the

That Michaela speech reminded me of the Old Spice commercial… in a good way.

C episode??? How? I watched knowing the grade from this site and I generally agree when an ep is bad but this one..? I dunno. I'm usually pretty skeptical but at worst this was a B ep. At best an A-.

This episode left me feeling that it must be hard trying to come up with new crazy story lines each week for 13 years, because unfortunately I think Grey's is either approaching it's end or is looking at a major upheaval to stay good. Almost all the newest characters are annoying or unnecessary and the older ones have

We'll see. Catherine is pretty strong in her beliefs about her job. Webber may take it personally but I think Catherine will probably stand her ground until he comes around.

It's because the vault is empty. They have to make drama out of something, and I'm thinking this and the Webber fight is the only sorta intriguing storylines they have on the board.

I really really miss Callie. She added something…I don't know what…that the show now feels like a hole. Not as much as Christina but close.

Not as long as you think. It's already a year later! :p

Agree she wouldn't do that on this show…but for some terrible reason I went there too.

Smart move. I really think all the jokes made him an anti-hero in the minds of some. Now everything is…sad!..

"Listen, Benny-Baby, someone…not me…some people think maybe…you know…Batman..it's such a crap project, I mean these superhero things…right…who really wants to do them anyway…we just think…why add the pressure to yourself? Anyway, we'll let you make the call. We know you'll do the right thing. LOVED Day by Night, by

Nolan says no.

Got it. Thanks.

Yeah, I'm wondering if people will fill that way more and more. Current politics are already pretty exhausting.

If Cyrus did do it, I really really hope it's not Tom that did it. That was just a stupid thing last season, having him as Cyrus all around boy. Hated it.

Fitz was a bit terrible last season, but so far he's good with me this season.

For me our current real life political landscape is definitely horrifying (I wouldn't say compelling though). I'm thinking that people are going to be looking for something less crazy for their entertainment.

Last season I swore this show off, so I decided to reluctantly watch with folded arms determined that if it annoyed me it would be my last episode. But I have to say…I liked it. If they were looking towards an assassination plot, the only way for it to go was for Vargas to be shot and for Cyrus to become prez. I was