Lee Tennant

Homophobia is in many ways an extension of misogyny so this isn't surprising. Misogynist writers have to whitewash gays out of existence because they interfere with their dichotomous gendered worldview. When your entire ontology can be destroyed by the statement, "But gay people…" then you have to pretend they don't

The best part about that scene was Raven walking in and just doing a giant eye roll at it.

Someone on Previously.TV was joking that nuclear fallout in the show only involves caesium. In reality, that flash forward at the end would be about 25,000 years later.

The kid is at least 10. It's not Clarke's - it's just a Nightblood child that survived Praimfaya with her.

I guarantee half of next season will be flashbacks.

This was a surprisingly gripping episode for something so very silly

What on Earth is an 'Amish EDM party'? This Australian wants to know.

I read the first book or two when I was in highschool (so a looonnnnggg time ago). For some reason (maybe because of TV's obsession with love triangles) they chose to adapt the second book rather than the first. You're right it makes no sense as a post-apocalyptic vision rather than a straight fantasy (since it is

A bit late (very late) but I'd go with:

The worst part of this episode was the end where Jaha looks accusingly at Clarke and says, "This is what you wanted" and I'm like, "Yes this is literally what Clarke wanted". Yet the writers want me to believe she spent the entire episode trying to stop it even though this was her original plan. The minute she heard

Those writers could have really nailed some awesome lyrics for this show. That would have been epic

Not what I said

Season 5 has Clarke and Skaikru emerge from the bunker 5 years in the future only to discover that Raven saved the day and everybody else has been merrily living on the surface the entire time.

Oh look, it's Unity Day and the 13th station - sorry, clan - is refusing to comply with Unity. Super subtle, Rothenburg. As usual. And, as usual, a clumsy analogy that's not actually an analogy at all since the last thing anybody told Clarke was "fuck humanity" not "unity".
But I prepare myself for Clarke vs Bellamy

It's one of the few occasions where being outside the US is a benefit. We get the Expanse and shows like it on Netflix far before the States. It's only the older shows where the networks have broadcast agreements with domestic networks.

Unfortunately I think this is testament to the poor writing, not the character. Clarke's arc this season should have been about trying to save everybody vs saving her people. It was set up that way but they had to shoehorn in this "Clarke becomes her worst enemies" plot line and things have gotten confused.

Look, I'm a nihilist too. The world is a farcical pointless mess and you may as well raise a glass while it burns. But unlike Jasper I'm not going to try to take everyone else down with me. Jasper's not just a nihilist, he's also a narcissist. Maybe he always was.

Actually I'm a Bellarke shipper but, what the hell. You're going to dismiss all opinions you don't agree with as "those crazy shippers" no matter what I say so go ahead.

All territorial wars ARE genocide. If you decide to get rid of a group, that's genocide. The old "oh, we just wanted them to move" furphy is not something you accept at face value. There's nowhere to move so you kill them all. That's how it works.

Also, Octavia just got sliced through with a sword, thrown off a cliff and blown up but she has no wounds and is having enthusiastic and acrobatic sex one day later.