Lee Tennant

I agree with this. I found Indra quite OOC in this episode. Is she the leader of Trikru now? I feel like the complexity of everybody's side has been reduced to a familiar face rather than a believable faction. Like we've started using shorthand to the situation through ciphers. So mad Indra = mad Trikru. Isn't the

I'm finding the contrived and false parallels between Clarke and her previous antagonists to be tiresome. I mean, I get it. This season has Clarke being forced by circumstance to become all her old foes - all of whom also felt they HAD NO CHOICE.

Well since I'm neither a Clexa shipper or a Lincoln fan then excuse me for pointing out that you're the one with the issue here. Lexa's death was just bad, cynical writing. Pointing that out does not make me a crazed shipper ruining the show for everyone else. Nor does it make the Clexa shippers wrong, even if they

That line really grated with me. What precisely was Kane proud of? I actually thought Bellamy highlighting that Kane's opinion isn't necessarily worth any was kind of the perfect response. But I still get annoyed when writers feel the need to so transparently prop up a character by having other characters deliver

Literally not how TV works. Firstly, season 3 happened as much as everyone involved wishes it didn't. It should have consequences for this season but the writers haven't grappled with those issues nearly enough. This episode was the first real attempt by them to deal with the Bellamy issue and it's all still internal.

Had my fill of people creating this mythical group of Lexa and Lincoln fans to criticise when people say something about the show they don't like.

I'd say he's Pike 2.0 but, like everything else in this season he's more like "Pike-lite". At least they haven't devoted an entire episode to his hugely-contrived backstory to try to humanise him.

It would have taken out the station if the explosion was big enough. But since that explosion didn't kill anybody in the room when it happened, it wasn't so much "big" as "laughable". And still not the most ridiculous thing to happen in this episode

I just realised what's wrong with this season. it has no plot! Seriously, this was an entire episode devoted to a car chase and a flight simulator. If it wasn't for Roan and Clarke's awesome bromance, I think I'd punch out at this point.
Also, are we going to have Bellamy admit he's in love with Clarke any time soon?

Now she also survived an explosion that took out an entire space station even though she was in the same room!

The fact is, what should have happened at the beginning of this season is that Clarke got made Commander. Instead they had this stupidly contrived "we still hate the 13th clan before reasons" thing to drive her back to Arkadia.

They painted themselves into a corner with it the minute they came up with the idea. it's all sorts of stupid. Even if they survive the initial meltdown of the reactors (which we're now supposed to believe has already happened?) the Earth will have high levels of radiation for hundreds of years. Whoever came up with

So. Many. Contrivances.
Next week, Octavia will survive a bomb and a beheading. With even less explanation. Her scar from being run through will have completely disappeared and she will mostly unscathed.
I'd say this show is getting silly but I suspect it was always this silly and the writing this season is just

The idea was that Clarke could analyse the situation better and come up with the plan but she couldn't inspire people. She needed Bellamy for that. That's why they made a great team in S1. Even in S2 you had her going to the Grounders and saying "here's the plan, do it" and then Lexa had to come in and do the

I think we're supposed to see Clarke as a leader and Bellamy as a follower. So Clarke gets more shtick for her decisions because Bellamy was just following orders. So it's Pike they blame, not Bellamy. I can work with that because it's how Grounder society works and because Pike was democratically elected.
Clarke is

Ah, no. They wanted to wipe out all Grounders. That's why their next target was a farming village. They intended to wipe them out and take their farming land. Just because Pike and Bellamy didn't say "Mwahahaha, all Grounders must DIE!!" doesn't mean it wasn't genocidal. It was.

He feels bad about it. And his sister is mad at him. What more can he endure for his minor mistakes? Sheesh, anybody would think he was as bad as Finn or something.

He was planning to wipe out an entire village of innocent civilians and had the audacity to be angry at the person who stopped him from doing it.

This will never not annoy me. Clarke didn't shoot that missile, she didn't 'murder' anybody! She and Lexa even went after the spotter to try to stop the missile attack. If Clarke had evacuated TonDC, then everybody would be dead because Bellamy would have been exposed. Clarke had a Hobson's Choice and she did the best

All Clarke does is try to keep everybody alive and find a way to survive in the new world. Everybody else stands by uselessly until she's forced to act and then they're all like "why did you do that, you monster!" How many times has Clarke asked them for a better plan and got stone silence for it?
Raven's still upset