Umm... no. This is a bad take.
Umm... no. This is a bad take.
Good shit! Words. I was just hoping you weren’t part of the group that thinks that their kids should get the old 1979 Buick from grandpa cuz “hurr Durr steel is stronger.” As opposed to buying them a $2k solara so they don’t bang up the M5. We are relics of a bygone era where there were still teens in the workforce…
With every other Boomer retiree driving an uladen brand new half ton these days, you must think of penises A LOT! 2002's anti-big-vehicle-pretentiousness called, and it wants to stick its penis in your mouth
Do you have 180 degree field of vision for a potential broadside in an urban environment? It sounds like you have complete control of an uncontrollable environment, so give me whatever you're smoking!
Umm...why? Remember, use your words. Your take is a bad take.
It must be nice to live with Mommy and Daddy and have disposable income but I’ve seen less fortunate people (ya know, section 8ers, EBTer, etc..) that need that option. We had a tenant that chose not to put $700 towards a down payment for a used $5k car and instead got duped into buying a beater $700k 3 seater Ford…
Yay I triggered the angry Boomer! Give the laptop back to your grandkid even though I know you’re entitled to it. I’ll one up ya. I didn’t vote for either assholes.
Dammit Mr Trump get back to work!
If you really think those "reality" show are actual reality, you might possibly be a mouth breather. BTW, wrestling isn't real either so don't worry about getting worked up about that Mr Trump.
II’m honestly shocked that jalopnik’s Michael ballaban didn’t see the word “shotgun” in the headline and have a knee-jerk reaction wth some slippery slope post with consdescending tones.
I hear you guys like sucking on dicks, as long it’s a meter long ;-)
And you’re home on the internet?! You’ve said enough. Enjoy life. Oh yeah, and you probably “don’t get it.”. See? I can be you.
389k miles at the tdi club. I’m starting to notice that most survivng mk4 vws are tdis now. Bought it for $1200 and it paid for itself in 6 months when I picked up a 180 mile commute and the Dodge 4.7 would not cut it
Large supply of 1st gen mustangs and miatas and you’re asking WHY someone decided to have fun in the garage, bust out the grinder, play in a hobby the fabricator actually enjoys? Why are you on this site?? Edmunds might be more your speed.
dude, its not like they shoved a 460 and a leaf sprung solid axles in there.
btw, I noticed you seem to like being overly critical to female authors. Go hang yourself you mens rights piece of shit.
Me, an open-minded intellectual: I like both. They have pros and cons. Now lets round up these narrow minded single tracked nazis and send them to a camp. A camp where they can concentrate. Concentrate on how moronic they are.
Have you ever really seen an white male conservative baby boomer be flexible and open minded? Yeah, and my neighbors consist of a gay nazi/jewish interracial relationship.
It’s an economy that baby boomers have been tailoring to themselves in the last 35 years. Who got to work at supermarket (which was considered a middle class job back then) and buy a house and car? Baby boomers. Who were the first actual affordable “pony” cars targeted to in the earl 60's? Baby boomers. Ask the WW2…
Ummm. If they competitively price it, how are the Harley execs supposed to rake in 6 to 7 figure bonuses to pay for that second family and love child result of an affair and their adult childrens extramarital affairs, since monkey see monkey do right?