
No, Fitz gave FBI Director an option to resign or be re-assigned to Omaha from DC. We don't know which option she took but I assume it was to resign.

Good grief, Fitz did not take away Olivia's agency. I'm a feminist and I hate when that term is used loosely.

As Fitz rightfully informed Abby (bish STFU), he wants to get away from DC, the 'blood sucking swamp'. After serving his country in the military and politics for 30 years, Fitz said he is done and ready for a break and a new life.

"Or really, Abby got got because Fitz has a dumb obsession with Vermont. If Fitz had just agreed on California for his library, Frankie Vargas would still be alive."

Maybe FBI Director Angela Webster is a part of the plot considering her investigation has been shoddy and incompetent. I think she is shady.

I did not blame a rape victim. I said her actions After the rape made her still someone I do not have any investment in on the show. Fitz did not know about the rape so she made his life impossible with no way for him to fix their marriage. So yes I will call out her actions because rape does not excuse them.

"From where I stand she tried to make sure her suffering was worth
something and has been absolutely miserable ever since, so it's not like
she got anything out of it. Does it really make her unlikable to you?"

The downfall was the introduction of B613 and related characters which took over the show.

The rape did not make her likeable. Actually it made me dislike her more since she used her rape as a bargaining chip for power instead of trying to save her marriage. It proved that she never loved her husband and married Fitz to be adjacent to power and his road to the White House.

Really, what reason does Mellie have to act the way she does? Did I miss it?

Can someone please remind delusional Mellie that she LOST the f*cking election to Frankie Vargas? Mellie and Jake, the Barbie and Ken of politics lost to a Hispanic man and a Gay man.

Yes, I said the same thing in my comment. No one ever said please give us more B613 spy stories.

We are back to the ridiculous spy/secret agency nonsense - cliche of the mysterious Lady in the Red Dress. Shonda has to stop being a copy cat. Someone at ABC needs to tell Shonda that she is not good at writing spy/espionage stories.

How is it that OPA is doing more investigating than the FBI? The FBI has access to all the tools being used by OPA.

Tony Goldwyn won an Obie award for best performance in a play for The Sum of Us. He was a theatre actor prior to doing films and television.

I love Abby and have from the beginning of the show. So yes I'm going to fight for Abby. I only had reservations about Abby when she turned against Olivia and sided with David during the Defiance period which she did for all the wrong reasons. But I have always enjoyed Abby's snark.

I disagree. I believe that Monica Lewinsky's life was ruined by Monica Lewinsky. She went into the affair with an agenda. Who the hell keeps a sperm stained dress after sex? Monica could have kept quiet and leveraged that affair for a successful career. But she wanted attention and she got more attention than she

False, in season 2 episode 20 (I think) Fitz offered Mellie an amicable divorce with his full support for her political career. Fitz would be so happy for a divorce he would gave Mellie anything she wanted to end the marriage. Mellie is the one clinging on to him like algae. I have said it before but Mellie is

Please Mellie is an idiot who is still clinging to a man who does not want or need her. She needs to leave and start her own political career. Mellie making that announcement about the wrong naval carrier (before the White House told the press) is an example of how stupid she is when it comes to international

Exactly, no huge law firm would be able to relocate that quickly. Hell most people can't move from an apartment/house and get utilities setup within 30 days much less everything required for a new business space.