
"That’s just really fucking great writing?" Really? I call BS on this whole season so far.

I hate to say it but The Good Wife is becoming a watch later show on DVR. My sister and I agreed that this season has been boring and repetitive. The neverending childish fights with David Lee and Louis Canning, the one note writing for Kalinda, the stupid decision making by Cary Argos and constant bickering with

Mellie was an awful before Fitz starting cheating on her. When Olivia joined the campaign Mellie and Fitz were in a cold war.

Mellie did not fix shit in season 1. That was Olivia who convinced her to stay when she was leaving and heading back to Santa Barbara.

That Mellie line was hypocritical since Karen saw Mellie giving Uncle Andrew a blow job and is now acting out with random sex.