
Seems her problem is a lack of...

I honestly really like this paragraph. This guy (and it’s a guy, let’s be honest) has upped the self-lampooning game. CAN YOU COMPETE, DREW?

It’s pretty unbelievable that Brady routinely destroys cell phones and so doesn’t have the phone that was active during the potentially incriminating period, but that he does have the phone and all its records that was active months before that.

Let’s be honest, though. Ira Glass’s voice is the most annoying sound this side of Garrison Keillor


petty stunning they could churn out an audio version of Goodell’s Brady decision so quickly

Guy with the blue cap/shirt can’t believe this is happening

*Cardinals executive upon gaining access to Houston database

Guarantee that most of it is along the lines of “They hacked the right way,” didn’t actually steal anything, etc.

Joey Crawford calls delay of game technical, lands flying elbow

Very cool. Not a horse guy, so I always thought Secretariat won cause of late speed. Never thought it was the early pace that others simply couldn’t keep up with.

What under the radar, average to crappy player would be the most fun to write a long profile on? Past or present. The Greg Ostertag, Wily Mo Pena, Pat White types. I’ll take my comment off the air.

This makes two—TWO!—Greg Ostertag references in two days. We need a long-form article on this man, in-depth research using modern analytics, gifs of his worst fuck-ups and most awkward dunks, hot takes on his absurd haircut and geriatric musculature. More Ostertag!!

4 blocks in about 1:30. Fuck I loved me some Kirilenko