
The requirement of many police departments to keep their body and car cameras running at all times is perhaps one of the biggest contributors to eliminating some of the corruption whereas in the past they would give other officers a break and let them off the hook. Now if they were to do something like that its all on

Kudos to that cop who followed procedure and basically busted his boss. I’m sure he’ll get skewered by other, shittier cops for it.

I don’t show favoritism to anyone, regardless. I don’t care if you’re a gangbanger or the President of the United States.” Good for that cop. Probably will never have a career with the GOP with that attitude though.

If King is what they really want then why so opposed to the suggestion of breaking up ABK? Seems like a win win there. Even better win if Kotick gets kicked to the curb after the larger deal falls through but I know that isn’t likely.

I’ve long suspected that King was what they were really after. Which only makes their past arguments about Nintendo and Sony seem irrelevant since neither can be said to be major players in the mobile market aside from maybe Pokemon Go or something.

I’m so tired of corporate bluster and pomp, that I’m glad this happened. It’s interesting how the strategy now is to downplay it like, “it’s no big thing if we can’t get the acquisition through.”

So an interesting twist if this deal falls through - Activision could just turn and say “Hey Sony, you aren’t getting anymore Call of Duty” right? I’m not sure they would want to lose the sales, but nothing would stop them.

Kind of a toss-up. They’re both great stories.

The game sold more than 10m units since launch (I think the number is probably more than that). If you average that they sold the game at about $30 since a lot of those sale are probably during promotion now, they have a sale number of 300 million. (again probably a lot more since the game sold million of copies on

Biggest turn-around in gaming history right here, god damn. 

It’s a few years old at this point but Internet Historian made a pretty good video!

I read an article a while ago that Hello Games has a huge surge in sales every time they release a big content update, which also usually coincides with their 50% off sale. It’s a pretty small studio, so it must be enough for them to ‘keep the lights on’ at least.

I really hope that there is a documentary about this game sometime in the future.  I would love to know more about how this game has been able to persist without ever charging for the DLC.  This has got to be the most impressive post launch support of any game ever.  

Creative Mode was added a while back, it lets you play the game without the economy, resources, or death getting in the way. You can literally just build and acquire whatever you want whenever you want.

But legally speaking the legal system works the same way for anybody.”


Circular logic is always circular. It’s not always logical.

You mean the Minecraft that was already on many different platforms before Microsoft purchased them? That Minecraft?

Pretty sure those mergers would never get past regulators. If regulators are freaking out about MS acquiring a third-party publisher, imagine how they’d react to MS acquiring their direct competitors.

CoD Mobile is a terrible representation of Call of Duty. It feels nothing like it and CoD is all about the feel.

I can't imagine CoD running well on a Nintendo console when it's already a crapshoot whether Nintendo games run well on their console.