
You do something ONE time and never hear the end of it...

What are you, some sort of communist?

Given how strong police unions are, the absence of evidence will never result in serious discipline and changing the rules to allow for serious discipline will never occur.

It's either going to require huge leaps in AI advancements or something similar to I, Robot where superhighways are all automated, some surface streets are, and more rural areas will be manual control.

Honestly, that's probably where the man vs machine wars will begin.

You regularly pull out in front of trucks hauling boats, eh?

So basically it functions about as well as a human who is impaired or just plain dumb. So glad to know my car, my finances, and my life have been signed up for this additional driving risk so Tesla can save money on paying professionals to beta test this software 🙄

I grew up in a smallish Massachusetts town without turn lanes, but I was still taught to not turn the wheel especially since you had to block a lane waiting to turn left.

One of the first things I was taught while learning to drive was when waiting to make a turn like this, you leave the wheels straight exactly for the reason you mentioned.

If you've dealt with Tesla fanboys/Elon stans, you'd know it's impossible to tell if this person is being serious or not.

If you're gonna back in, go learn to back in in an empty parking lot first.

I started thinking about the articles I’ve read on Google engineers “teaching” their AI to drive and even without the amount of time, effort, and miles they’ve put into the project, it still has plenty of issues. And that’s with Google engineers sitting in the cars tweaking the software. How are we expecting Tesla’s

I’m legit worried if I use that system, I will get bored & start getting distracted & not be paying enough attention to take over at a critical moment.

Tbh to say Autopilot reacts to situations like these as a poorly skilled driver would isn't exactly a ringing endorsement.

It sounds like Torch’s biggest issue was how the Tesla reacted poorly to a situation that any average driver would easily handle. I’m certainly not impressed with how Autopilot handled that and if I had been using that system, I probably would’ve disengaged it and handled the situation on my own. Safe to say we've all

On your 2nd point, an aggressive driver isn’t going to be around very long if they they're deciding to make a stand against an 18 wheeler wanting to be in their lane. Most people have learned to pick their battles seeing as every other pair of cars on the road aren't pulled over due to a collision.

Until I see video, I’m gonna call bullshit on the sobriety test.

Cop either didn't know who he was, decided to be a hardo & figured he was screwing over some Average Joe or the cop knew who he was and decided to be a hardo and figured he'd try to screw over a celebrity.

I graduated in 2001 and I think it was $1.20 in Mass.

I did once when I was in HS and working the lot at a Toyota dealership. The sales guys loved letting the car get down to fumes and then telling someone to go put gas in it. There was a Mobil station about a mile down the road and the car died halfway there. Fuckin assholes.