
It sounds like Torch’s biggest issue was how the Tesla reacted poorly to a situation that any average driver would easily handle. I’m certainly not impressed with how Autopilot handled that and if I had been using that system, I probably would’ve disengaged it and handled the situation on my own. Safe to say we've all

On your 2nd point, an aggressive driver isn’t going to be around very long if they they're deciding to make a stand against an 18 wheeler wanting to be in their lane. Most people have learned to pick their battles seeing as every other pair of cars on the road aren't pulled over due to a collision.

Until I see video, I’m gonna call bullshit on the sobriety test.

Cop either didn't know who he was, decided to be a hardo & figured he was screwing over some Average Joe or the cop knew who he was and decided to be a hardo and figured he'd try to screw over a celebrity.

I graduated in 2001 and I think it was $1.20 in Mass.

I did once when I was in HS and working the lot at a Toyota dealership. The sales guys loved letting the car get down to fumes and then telling someone to go put gas in it. There was a Mobil station about a mile down the road and the car died halfway there. Fuckin assholes.

Retailers exist because manufacturers aren't interested in owning & operating their own stores.

For me, it's because their luxury priced cars have had QC issues for forever, so why would I think it wouldn't be as bad, if not worse, on a moderately priced car?

Makes you wonder what the response would've been if Biden and/or Harris were on-board.

I was just thinking about how it really wasn’t that long ago we had McCain defending Obama to his supporters. I really think decency in Americanpolitics died with him and Ted Kennedy. You might not have liked one or the other, but you know they truly were trying to make the country better in their own ways.

Oh for sure, we're seeing how poorly constructed this country is. I'm honestly shocked it took this long for a party to take advantage of things.

While I’m only 37, this is the first time I’m concerned about what the sitting President & his base might do if he loses. I honestly think the only way to minimize the potential for chaos is if he gets his ass handed to him in popular & electoral.

He's my favorite follow on Twitter. Such a great guy.

Hahaha I had the same reaction. I couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t just let it go. They both already lost, what’s the point in losing even more?

Thats not bad for 6-7 years of zero maintenance.

I work in retail and we had a deluge in scam calls across the country some years back from people pretending to be our IT department and the store needed to run some "test" MoneyGram transactions or some gift cards needed to be rung up. It got so bad they added prompts to the registers asking if the person was in

Sounds like a disgruntled employee or someone got caught doing something nasty and offered that up to save themselves.

Most rock bands write their own music and, in the case of NIN’s ‘Hurt’, Reznor wrote the song.

I was about an hour away from completing the game when it crashed (it crashes a lot) and my data got corrupted. Luckily I have PS+ and it had backed up my save data the night before, but it was still 3 hours of gameplay I had to redo. Others I've talked to weren't so lucky.

Maybe, if it didn't become a viral incident. No one is risking their careers for some kid like this.