
False equivalencies only delay problem resolution. They wanted to hire resourceful workers and now they are unhappy with the result.

How to get a child to stop sucking its thumb?

Nobody mention baking soda?

Anyone who celebrates Easter should have this.  

From Wonkette:

His wife is a doctor. This should make her very happy. I guess we can assume they had a discussion about his going away for a few days while she had to cover the home front - maybe they have a housekeeper so she could go take care of patients.

Right. That’s why I’m not distressed by their government trying to look responsible, and by using our government as horrible example, it works.

Both the Chinese and Japanese had banned acupuncture by 1911 or so as worthless. Ancient, but worthless.  It was brought back by Chairman Mao because the Chinese society was incapable of providing medical care to the population. Despite being woo, the Americans loved it and it has become a self-sustaining practice.

200 million copies of glossy catalogue is a lot of trees and ink, pus shipping. I had always kind of considered it ‘my catalogue’ which is around here somewhere.  If I didn’t buy something in the first month, I probably didn’t buy anything all year.

There is a tendency to use “Homeless People” as a catch-all so that the individual experience gets masked by the consideration of the crowd.  When they mention a person experiencing homeless we may think of one person having difficulty and maybe not functioning well in society. Many have lost the ability to trust, so

Are those two fat men there to prevent a crazed mob from running to the thing and driving off into the night?  They look like B-movie enforcers.

Maybe they travel underground because it’s so snowy there?

Sanitized is the most likely, and that’s not a terrible thing. Getting the snot off the handle and the “dampness” off the baby seat would be a big plus.

Joy killer.

My father was a boxer a long time ago, and was fond of having an egg in his beer. Taverns kept raw eggs handy for this purpose.  I tried it just once.

Think panettone. Similar enough, but not identical. I think the difference is in the wheat. Panettone seems sweeter to me. Both absolutely require unsalted butter. My grandmother used whipped butter, and it made you want to put your face in it. Our babka is Northern European - again similar, but my grandmother

Promises, promises...

She needs a gay friend very badly. Someone has to help her stop looking like an inflatable sex doll. Note the red, round mouth... funny eyes, shaggy hair.

It is part of an ongoing tragedy that they had to expend time and energy to prove this.

It takes a special piece of shit to harass people from Newtown.  Even people not directly involved were traumatized.