
It should be posted somewhere on the menu.  I wouldn’t object to it, but I don’t like surprises, even little ones.

Somewhere in these pages there is a recipe for sufganyiot that uses dough from one of those pop-open biscuit cans ( I used Walmart brand). I’m here to testify that it worked splendidly, but you gotta keep an eye on them because they cook so quickly. Do not wander away from the stove or you will have sweet carbon lumps.

It is tragic that some people, with actual buckets of money, go cheap on plastic surgery.  In desperation to avoid appearing aged, they become distorted.

This flic is Clint Eastwood demeaning female reporters and the FBI. Is Richard Jewel all that interesting after all these years? Richard Who?  Eastwood is portraying female reporters as “easy and desperate” and the FBI as inept and without ethics. Anyone know of anyone else famous who holds those opinions?

“...Audubon estimates that 90,000 to 230,000 birds die each year from collisions...” 90-230 is a big range. While I share the concerns, does every bird on the ground mean a hit into a window? Don’t some birds just plain die - perhaps old age ? Food poisoning? Possibly during strenuous exercise? I lived/walked in NY

She’s getting at least $179,700 per year, and when she and George finally write their books (either together or separately), they will each become millionaires. I think the whole show is something of an investment.  If they didn’t have this notoriety, would anyone buy their books?  Yeah, sure, but not the audience

They’re just not coming back, are they?

Sad that Elijah Cummings isn’t here to witness this.

A hotel “magnate” in a world of beds and females who make them. A big, arrogant guy who grins a little too much. Where’s the shock?  Sadness, sure, but no surprises here.

As terrible as these conditions are said to be, is Amazon still the best choice out of a bad lot? It is said to be a high pressure job. Are the carrot and the stick both so significant that the employees will put up with anything? People are still at the gates looking for work despite Amazon’s notoriety as a terrible

There’s Lifehacker link in the article that states that Tuesday is not the best day to buy plane tickets.  Gotta make up your mind before you hit “send” Emily.

Is that the site where Merriam-Webster declares: “Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster”?

An insta-pot is already hard at work while a regular pressure-cooker is still trying to build up pressure.

Comcast was dumb to fight this. They should have taken the shows and run them for about 6 months in certain markets, and then come back with viewer stats. IF the shows were catching, on then so be it. If they were not successful, then Comcast could say they tried. 

At that stage in life, you just list a few courses with the implication that they were graduate work. HR people assume from your position that you graduated from college 25 years ago and you’re not great at preparing a resume. If someone from HR wants to see your course grades after 20-25 years, you’re at the wrong

Plexaderm runs about minute and they frequently run it twice, back to back. Same for one of the insurance companies peddling medicare supplements. Twice and occasionally 3 times with some motor mouth reading the text and repeating the phone number 9 times.

The skit was too long, and the revue approaches being too long.  SNL sometimes runs low on ideas and they stretch some skits until they hurt.

Alzheimer’s is a possibility, but there’s a stronger possibility that he’s just a shitty human who should stay indoors and not interact with the public.

“...13 years, managing hundreds of stores in several states,...”  I wouldn’t like that on my resume - it does not show stability.