
They should went on the WIKI and they can learn something.. OOOPS!! it was 1994.... LOL

FACEBOOK: I WANT ATTENTION from known and unknown friends....

"Hook on Phonics"...

who the fuck made this video??? I want my 2 minutes of my life back after watch this retarded ass video....

@makoute: I live in the Marlbro housing Projects in bensonhurst.. right by john dewy h.s

Me chinese, me own "dumb" phone since I know I will get mug one day and it would be worthless to the mugger.. me chinese, me so smart!!!. LOL..

@srmalloy: I'm just being sarcastic.. Gee.. people can't take a joke around here??

freaking got all the subway line colors mix up!!!!. D train is ORANGE!!! and N is YELLOW!!. get your colors right.. :P

it's a freaking honda old school "Insight"...

You got grape flavor.. Where 'dem Watermelon flavor at???????

How about posting a list of "NUTS"?????

I get it open. Just throw it against a brick wall. I whether have 825$ in the wallet instead of giving to idiot product company... :P FAIL!!!!

It's a Chinese knockoff.. com'on folks. we should known that chinese will copy anything.. I guess they rip top gun movies too.

Shaolin monk and the 99 death chambers... LOL..

Text her.. " U Da Bomb!"...

Sorry to say.. those so call genius bar are like geek squad.. they don't know shit. they just follow a stupid manual book and spit out the same old lines to you. They are full of shit, don't know what they talking about at all.

SO, what next??? I can't breath without being fine too???? What a fucking moron!!! Go tackle some other important issues.. instead of coming up with bullshit laws that will piss more people off.

it's a portable tray too. I can put my lunch and drinks on the ipad while I am standing.. COOL!!.

so it works great on retina display on your iphone... but would look crappy if you view it on a regular LCD??

I carry my 10 pounder laptop.. it's a real man's work equipment.. unlike these little pussy whinning people thinking my 10 pounder is too heavy.. Be a man.. you wus's!!! :P