I want my 4:50 min's life back!!!!!!. all this and I have to read a Mr.jObs qoute....... LAME!!!
I want my 4:50 min's life back!!!!!!. all this and I have to read a Mr.jObs qoute....... LAME!!!
When will we see him on the news with a rope around his neck dead on the floor from a freaky sex act??????? And coke all over the floor??? He needs to go!, just die already!!!!. we don't care about your life!!!!. go away!!!! jump off a cliff please!!!!. OD yourself PLEAASSE!!!!. END YOURSELF PLEAAASSSSE!!!!!!!.
HAHAHHAHHAAH!!!!!!. NOW get your ASS up there and DO IT AGAIN!!!!!. SNOW and ROCKS OWNZ YOU!!!!!!. :D
Nice!! Laser etched labels instead of stamped labels. Shoot, it looks more like impact sockets than standard sockets to me. But, I will stick with my SNAP-ON tools instead. :D
APPLE IS GOD!! Pay me your hard earn dollar. I guess they need the money to pay for Mr.Job medical health plan.... LOL..
if you ever had your ID stolen and they use it for a bad way. You will know why giving any info, especially your SS# is a mistake you will regret for the rest of your life. Till this day, I still have ass hole from collections calling me, but I always tell them, that ain't me. Thinking its all over, guess what?? it…
So there will be a mass sell off of the ipad 1's????? I bet ebay and criaglist will have ton's of listing, since everyone will want the ipad2..
Thats when "four LoKo" drinks comes into play...... sugar rush and drunkness rush..... win, win situation..
SO when will 4g work the way how 3g works now... Like not sucking the hell out of the battery when you on 4g?????? Yeah, speed is nice and all. but battery suck big nutz when it comes to 4g connection.... All this hype is pretty useless, unless they improve the battery life on these mobile devices..
Eehh.. who buys music these days???? shit, I haven't pluck down any cash for music since '92... thank you INTERNET!!!! you save me whole lot of cash!!!!
Are they going to build a big ass Monolith at his home when he pass away?????? Or a big ass IPHONE Monolith right at the entrance????
ahhhhh, yeah I don't have a FB account.. so it can't search for me.. you fail as a DJ know it all. :P
whats with the crotch shot??????
does these animal have runny poopy after eating decaying meat???? I would definitely have the runs for weeks if I did... LOL..
throw that bitch in a microwave!!!! NUKE that bitch!!!. if you can't take care of your child.... DON"T HAVE CHILDERNS!!! you doing us a favor..
blah!!!, stick with RED BULL!!!! all you need is a bull nuts extract... thats the secret indegrident.
I smell a Windows and Nokia hater.....
I want the "OLD" GiZmodo back!!!!.
I am totally lost in this new look... got that stupid retarded "TOYOTA" AD that takes up half the page and it doesn't go away... uuugggghhhh!!!. time to slide over to "ENGADGET!"
@Hell_yawn: people still watch super bowl???? :X