Whats the total cost to buy one of these pocket rocket? 5 grand a piece?
Whats the total cost to buy one of these pocket rocket? 5 grand a piece?
OH yeah.. run to the south of the border!!.. this stuff will make you have the run's alright..
I don't get this. If you want to kill yourself, you should go somewhere where you won't kill others. if you jump off a building, people at the ground level will be a target. I don't give a shit why you want to kill yourself, but for crisis sakes.. people walking around minding their business and DON"T want to KILL,…
You see those parking lots all over Japan. Since space is priceless there. it's pretty cool to see how they retrieve the cars from the slots.
Ahhhhh, carrying a Mac book Pro wide open like that... it's saying "ROB ME" STEAL ME"... I NEED A NEW HOME...
so, next is the Mile high club!!!.
why don't apple invest in health care stuff? since Mr.job is being side lined with health issue, why apply dedicate some money in developing health care technology.
"Steve is going to fuck Gil so hard his eardrums will pop," <— I like this quote...
A 10$ cup of joe!!!!.
Yeah, look at Bill Gates left M$. Nothing happen, M$ didnt' crash and burn when he left. What makes you think that Mr.Jobs leaves Apple that it will crash and burn.
Sooooooo. Time for the "Oil Change, Major Tune-up" for Mr.Job?? Any parts need replacing????? :X
"You can't drive a painting." and that you CAN"T get parts at your local AUTOZONE.....
Lieca is like the ferrari's in cameras. They have one of the best built lens out there. And their bodies last forever.
So, if I run out of gas or in this case out of battery. I stand on the side of the road, and wave with my NEMA 5-15P power cord to get a charge????
Here we go again. Mr.Job wants to OWNZ the world.. Every fucking little thing will be own by CrApple. You'll see!!!.
@BigCementPigeon: Like the Brothers in teh hood.. those brothers. LOL.
AT&T says Verizon will be in the same shoes with slowness of their network when millions of iphone users will bog down the all mighty Verizon network...
Com'on.. why they always let the "brother" die?? Always holding the "brother" down.. Thats why we are pissed off about about the "Da'Man".
I thought the "Bieber" hair is soo 2010 already???? LOL..