Lee Hazel

I don't know why people get hung up on accents - how do you really know what a character "should" sound like unless their place of origin is a really central part of their character? Diana lives in Florida and is married into the Rayburn family, but she could theoretically be Australian originally and it wouldn't make

Is there any significance to the continuing problems with the shower in Bungalow 3? I didn't really understand that. Sally asked the maintenance guy more than once to fix it, and then the guy said it still wasn't working. The amount of times the shower issue came up, I thought maybe it was supposed to have some plot

AV Club reviews NEVER explain things! They just pontificate over "themes" and "messages" and whether the show has strong female characters or not. That's one of my biggest pet peeves about the reviews here. Sometimes, I mainly seek out a review of a show I'm watching because I want to confirm whether I understood what

She doesn't even need a proofreader, per se … can't she just read it over really quick before posting it, and fix those really obvious errors herself? It wouldn't take that much time and it looks like just typos, not like Molly literally doesn't understand how to write correct sentences. I don't get it.

I thought that the masseuse did that "extra" bit because Rob told him, in French, that Sharon was really tired and "crazy" and asked him to " make her relax" or something like that. So it seemed like it was maybe another miscommunication due to the language difference, and the masseuse thought it was what was

She was on "The Red Road" which starred her boyfriend Jason Momoa. It was a short lived but really good show on Sundance that aired in the last couple of years. I think it had 2 seasons. I was really bummed that it didn't get renewed.

Question: Do most people who love Helen feel that way because of a pre-existing affection for Maura Tierney? I am not really familiar with MT (I know I've seen her, but never really followed any show she's been in before), and as Helen, I like her well enough but I don't see her as the absolute stand-out that others

How do Brits and Americans hold their forks differently?! I never noticed. I'm fascinated by the little things that are different in the UK compared to here though, so I'll watch it again and see if I can notice it.

Sigh, this show. I loved it SO much, but lately my love is dwindling completely.

Really? Isn't Michael Sheen still happily dating Sarah Silverman? Or do you just mean they have a playful flirty chemistry in real life even though they're not involved?

It's kind of inexplicable in a way, but I really DO want to see Michael Sheen with his white middle aged midriff, getting it on with Virginia. On paper it doesn't seem like it would be sexy, but there is something really hot about them together.

Yes, my feelings exactly. While I enjoy some of the side plots, especially Barton and Margaret, I don't like when the episodes stray too far from focusing on the core of Bill and Virginia's relationship and what makes them tick individually. The back stories for Bill humanize him and make his current "unlikeable"

Interesting - I watch on Showtime Anytime (on demand) which doesn't show previews, and don't seek them out online so I never see this stuff. It's probably just as well, because previews are sometimes really misleading. We'll see!

For whatever reason, despite loving this show so much, I still have not read the book that it's based on, or much about the real life Bill/Virginia in general. I want to, but then again I feel like it might ruin some aspects of the show for me. But anyway, that's interesting what happened in real life with the

When I first started watching the show I had no idea who Michael Sheen was (shamefully, since I now know he's a very accomplished and brilliant actor). If someone had said the name Michael Sheen to me a few years ago, I would have probably thought he WAS related to Martin/Charlie/Emilio. But as it turns out, he's

I think Bill Masters (as portrayed on the show, not sure about real life) is charismatic in his own way. He's an expert in his field, he's extremely intelligent, and he's passionate about his mission, which is attractive in itself. To me as a viewer, the attraction between him and Virginia is palpable and very

So, it has been suggested in various commentary about the last couple episodes that Virginia is kind of "over" Bill, that the affair has lost its excitement for her, and that's why she's going to end up dating the perfume guy soon. But even if that were the case for a while, she seemed to fall for him all over again

The episode was called "Matters of Gravity," not "Masters of Gravity." It's mistyped in both the headline and in the body of the review.

I was a little confused by how upset Tessa got at finding out her mom was sleeping with Bill, because I sort of thought she already knew. The way the first episode of this season was set up, it seemed like they were sort of living in a group arrangement where it was implicitly accepted that Gini and Libby were

You should be the one doing the AV Club reviews for this show! I love your take here and I think you GET IT, unlike the actual reviewer (and many other reviewers I've seen). Seeing Bill as the bad guy with a "stick up his ass" and cheering when the book pages get thrown in the lake is short-sighted, IMO. This whole