Lee Harvey Danger

“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”

Everytime you write “emojis” instead of “emoji,” an angel loses its wings.

The real Skip Bayless is locked in a cell several hundred feet underground. There, his cruel captors siphon hot takes from his shattered mind 24 hours a day. Bayless huddles in the corner of his cell, naked but for a rough sackcloth and short length of hempen rope that he uses as a belt because it isn’t long enough to

I can’t imagine having to tell Whitlock there are no steaks in this game.

Peanut dislodged from original fecal matter is gathering fecal matter of its own. News at 11.

It’s not exactly faraday later to so such hertzful things.

It’s all in flux, really.

Maybe they should draft some capacitors next year.

You’d think the Chargers would have enough in them for the current not to fizzle out after 30 minutes.

Looks like Kaser is giving Lambo a tugjob. The look on Lambo’s face sells it.

Real metal would’ve been waving a pentagram flag.

It’s the slayer aphrodisiac.

Please please Mark Cuban. I’ve never asked you for anything. This is all I want.

The Notre Dame football program has a history of blaming imaginary forces instead of looking at themselves for their failures.

I’ve never even contemplated grabbing a woman by the vagina, but this is a majora issue!

“When I asked to be put on ice, I was more expecting this.”

The Blacks!

“And if ya missed it

Similar to how he grabbed the GOP by their pussy.

Whoa, slow down bud, trying to take notes here.