Lee Harvey Danger

Completely anecdotal, but I know of three people in my social circle (myself included) who have just given up on the NFL altogether. Quit watching this year cold turkey. And we were all fantasy football, football pool, watch all day Sunday kinds of fans.

The real mystery here isn’t how EA could make such a simple mistake, but how did Sunderland win their opening 3 games?

Looks like a 7torm is coming to Buffalo!

It’s Almost Colin Kaepernick Time.

Sideshow Bob + the guy from Memento=

Graft versus Host disease is real my friends...

The hair bone is connected to the voice bone?

This is a weird fucking picture

Note to self: You should be so much better at soccer by now.

Even a blind squirrel gets a nut sometimes.

Slick Pence, Trump the bitchier

Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.

I HATE having to buy a new vacuum every year or two!

Ow, my tongue.

As long as it’s just the one “the”.

I am The Ok with this.