
Not sure if trolling or just stupid

If you honestly believe the conflict is solely about religion you are sadly mistaken. There are massive issues of security and nations’ rights guiding policy decisions in the region that you obviously have completely failed to grasp.

Don’t you start bringing reasonable logic into this! We’re having a ridiculous emotion-driven argument based on heresay over here!

I’m not sure where you got the idea the Israelis stole the land. There are records of large Jewish and Christian populations living peacefully in that area since long before the Ottoman Empire. And archeologic evidence places them there for centuries before that. I can see you’re enjoying talking about fairytales, but

Nice idea, but Israel is almost 70 years old. Your average Israeli was born there. They are FROM Israel (emphasis yours). In fact, maybe the Palestinians should go back to Jordan and Egypt since that’s where they’re FROM. (Again, emphasis yours.)

Except if you want to use that example it would have to go like this:

Right, so because they should have been taken in by Jordan...Israel should take them in instead? By that logic, since the US doesn’t want the people coming across the border from Mexico illegally, Mexico should be forced to give them some land instead.

Wow, did you make that all up by yourself? I’ll bet you got a gold star in creative writing class. I can make up things too! I’m the Queen of England and I ride a giant Unicorn to work!

Well to be fair nobody wants to live 3 hours away from work. My sister lives in a settlement because it’s the only way she could afford to live close to where her and her husband work. And even then they still have a 1.5 hour each way commute via public transit.

That’s great that you can afford to own farm land up north, but the cost of living in Israel is so high that most people can’t afford to do that.

If that land isn’t Israel, then Texas is still in Mexico. Again, where would you have them go? The nondisputed portion of Israel is astonishngly overpopulated as it is. We could send them to Arab nations right? Oh yeah, the Arab nations kicked out all the Jews decades ago. Guess that isn’t going to work. So Mr. Global

Israel is massively overpopulated. 2/3 of the country is uninhabitable desert and the international community has decided that Israel has to give away a sizeable portion of the useable land whether Israel wants to or not. So where should they put their population as they continue growing? They have to live somewhere.

Is this generally a problem for truck drivers?

It’s nice to see that LH’s disability isn’t hampering his driving ability. Seeing as he has a fake service dog he must be disabled...right?

I’m a motorcycle referree for bicycle racing and I also carry a photographer for the races from time to time. It’s cute how you think riding all day at walking speed on a <400lb bike is difficult.

Considering he was piss drunk and hungry, I couldn’t care less.

I think he means today’s poor are better off than Queen Victoria.

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For some reason the low gear on both the last rental cars I’d had worked best when treated as “Sport Mode.” And the actual sport mode did nothing. This of course meant they both got left in low all.the.time. Turns out rental cars are actually the fastest thing on the road.

Take a look at the Rally Raid Cb500X