
He’s a troll, no point in conversating with him. As soon as he can’t come up with a proper argument, it’s ‘thats whataboutism’ or ‘you must be Russian/Chinese/whatevercountryisopposedtowhatImsaying’....

Please, point out the inaccuracies.

Putinbot! Let me make this very clear, Russia is an unimaginable dump,I wouldn’t even spend a day there.Just because I understand Russia’s actions does not make me anti-american,it makes me a human being.Not a sheep with a “with is or against us” attitude.

Whataboutism is the equivalent of “Takes ones to one” You are simply ignoring every perfectly valid point he has made.

“a serious threat to the region?”

What other country building bases has the potential to actually use them and be a serious threat to the region and the US?

Our hypocrisy is truly astounding sometimes. We complain about China establishing airstrips a few hundred miles off their mainland while we maintain dozens of bases which are thousands of miles away from ours! Last I checked, none of these new Chinese bases are further from China’s mainland than our bases in Guam,

I didn’t, shitty leaders in the US did, and they should have been stopped by the world too.

You seem to remember exactly what the compromised corporate media wants you to remember, which is a lie.

Yeah, whatever happened to THAT? Got buried in the news, huh? Ever since NATO and the U.S. were challenged to provide radar and telemetry data on what happened, everyone’s shut up all of a sudden. You know, if the mainstream media drops a news thread all of a sudden, it means the ultimate outcome won’t be good for

Look, I know you barely got your GED, but c’mon, where’d you get your understanding of geopolitics from, Marvel Comics? Seriously, it’s so utterly simplistic and jingoistic; you make Sarah Palin sound like Margaret Thatcher in comparison.

I imagine you being either some wet-behind-the-ears former Young Republican sitting in a cubicle farm somewhere outside DC with marching orders to lie ad infinitum about these topics. Either that or you’re hasbara, but there’s no way you’re an honest brokers with posts like this.

Number one, you’re speculating - that hasn’t happened yet. Second, the Qatari Gas Pipeline which threatens Russia isn’t about oil per se —- it’s about NATURAL GAS.

Exactly - Russia can’t afford not to. Gazprom is their lifeline, dude. I won’t dispute that Russia will economically collapse if Gazprom loses the European market. Their economy is simply too dependent right now on oil and gas.

Do you live here in the U.S.? Whatever Putin may have done or is doing PALES in comparison to what Washington and Wall St. are doing to us right NOW. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Putin et al are amateurs, boy scouts, compared to the hypocritical and wholesale greed and corruption in this country.

Meanwhile Donbass is looking at holding a referendum in joining Russia. That's 3.5 million people. The a$$ kissing for US adventurism is strong on this site.

I really don’t think the Tartarus port is that a big a deal any more. Russia has a vague shadow of its former Navy left, from back during the Soviet Union era. Putin is an extremely pragmatic politician; a complete realist as a diplomat.

Still dimwitted. “Why isn’t Russia bankrupt? Why is their economy still going? Why aren’t sanctions working? Why am I so stupid? Blah-blah-blah-blah ......”

Only if your mom’s there.