You should see some of the Governments the US has supported over the years. Make’s Assad look like Mother Theresa.
You should see some of the Governments the US has supported over the years. Make’s Assad look like Mother Theresa.
Nah. The Kurds, Sunnis and Iran-allied Shiites will carve it up. Assad’s not an imperialist and the Sunni provinces won’t ever quit the independent tribalist thing they have going on right now. .
I love boxy old russian planes. They just look so damn cool for some reason.
Yeah you hit it on the HEAD. THAT is the TRUTH, and most people on here are either simply too brainwashed or too dumb to see it and admit it.
What the —? There are no ‘moderate’ rebels in Syria. Do you really think ISIS just popped up and magically appeared with enough manpower, firepower and materiel to drive the Iraqi army out of Mosul? Do you think a force that large could go anywhere without U.S. satellites and drones picking them up?
Crazy idea .
USA is trying to get rid of Assad by any means possible, even using false excuses, just like it did with Saddam a decade ago in Iraq. The White House is now worried because somebody with a pair of balls is actually opposing their lunatic idea this time. I can’t believe the USA is so hypocritical that even after its…
We have and still do support regimes far worse than Assad. We just can’t admit that demanding his ouster was a huge mistake.
U.S. wants to get rid of Assad, U.S. wants to get rid of ISIS. Wait a sec. You can’t just get rid of everyone who is going to take control than? The truth is U.S. actually created ISIS to kick off Assad. Ask the refuges what are they running from. They are running from airstrikes and ISIS. If U.S. really wanted to…
Well, the F-22 got to enjoy some “warheads on foreheads” action this last year in Syria, so why not Russia?
Why is the US more concerned about Russia than Isis? Why is Kerry more concerned about removing Asad than Isis? The US needs to get the hell out.
Unlikely since in order for Putin to take on “moderate freedom fighters” such mythical creatures would first need to exist... Or be a viable force beyond 5 guys hiding in a basement somewhere and their leader with his legs blown off in a hospital in Turkey.
The Syrian puzzle has officially become more complicated. As reported on Friday, fighter jets have arrived at…
Never said that. Once again you are way off in left field.
Here is a perfect example. You immediately connected a bunch of dots that weren’t even there before because you have a large number of preconceived ideas.
Beautifully put. And that kind of hypocrisy and lack of self awareness is what gets people into war via arrogance and ignorance.
I find to funny that whenever there is a Russian military exercise, there are so many comments about Russia not being able to afford it or that they are wearing out all their equipment or it being a provocation. But if America does a similar drill, the same people are in full support, even if it throwing airframe…
You can dislike the nazis but appreciate the engineering.
I love old weapons of war. Not for what they were used for, nor what they represent, but for their engineering. I'd love and old Mauser, and an old Luger. Too bad stg44s are so expensive.
I don’t get the latter argument, destroying it means destroying history and the risk of us forgetting it thus it occurring again. Only a handfull of panthers remain on the planet and scarcely any of them are in such good a shape as this, it’s not like he can go out and buy 88mm shells for the AA or the tank so let em…