
Sorry bro but you have to be trolling or living in some fantasy land.If the US is so all mighty why isn’t it stopping China building bases in the territorial waters of other nations?The US has little to nothing to do with the right of safe passage.I genuinely feel sorry for people like you trapped in this paranoid

Utter nonsense. I’m European and live in Australia, are you seriously saying that the only reason I have a Japanese TV in my living room and Asian food on my plate is solely because the US keeps international trade flowing?I’ve flow across the globe twice, backpacked around Europe twice I suppose that’s possible

The truth hurts, you can make claims of asymmetric warfare all you want but thats just a fancy way of saying that the almighty US army was soundly defeated twice by irregular forces.If you can’t beat cavemen you are in for quite the shock when you face the Russians!

The paper tiger that is the US military was defeated in the battle field not once,not twice but thrice in the past 50 years by farmers and cavemen.All this talk of combat veterans is foolish,they are veterans of a war they lost. There is no glory in that

The Russians do not care about the US nor are they afraid.You didn’t nothing when they invaded Ukraine, you are doing nothing while China builds bases in the waters of other nations.Putin called your bluff,you lost 2 wars in a row against cavemen and your are aching for another Cold War so much it hurts.The US

Its because most Americans live in this hyper nationalist propaganda driven world that the Soviets would have been proud of. The indoctrination of most Americans is Orwellian in scope

Do you admit you lost in Afghanistan and Iraq?

Growing up in Europe I always saw Jaguars as cars for old men. I couldnt own or drive one

Does the UE military learn anything from history. Defeated in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq by low tech guerillas. Stop endless military spending on useless trinkets for a war that ended in 1991, focus on training the ground forces to fight.With all the current tech they still stood by when Russia invaded Crimea and

Lets say the US gives Alaska to Canada and down the line Canadas government is overthrown by Russian backed fascists.
The US would have every right to take back its former territory by military force.
Neo Nazi fascists toppled the Ukrainian government whether you want to believe it or not.
Now Neo Nazi militias are

US policy seems to be about having the most advanced and expensive military on the planet to act as a deterrent with the occasional military destruction of an impoverished nation

You are aware someone can disagree with you without being a paid shill.

And here we are back to the default brainwashed american world view of black and white,good guy bad guy.

Putinbot! Let me make this very clear, Russia is an unimaginable dump,I wouldn’t even spend a day there.Just because I understand Russia’s actions does not make me anti-american,it makes me a human being.Not a sheep with a “with is or against us” attitude.

Whataboutism is the equivalent of “Takes ones to one” You are simply ignoring every perfectly valid point he has made.

It boils down to people only seeing the world in black and white,we are the good guys the bad guys are so bad.My entire point is not pro Russia or whoever it is that there’s is no such thing as a good guy.The devaluation of human life is just wrong, be it an American or a Russian or whatever.

The government of Ukraine was illegally toppled by US financed Neo Nazis (ironic to US supports both Neo Nazis and Israel!!)Ukraine has a large ethnic Russian population as do a lot of ex Soviet states.Your own brainwashed hatred of Russia does not overrule the the desires of ethnic Russians to be free of a neo Nazi

I couldn’t disagree more, he provides balance to all the ‘murica nonsense here.

Ramon I have to say I am so glad people like you and Kinga are here.I can not understand how US invasions,funding terrorism,torturing civilians etc can just be overlooked because of those damn “commies” in Russia.The US is aching for another Cold War so much it hurts.

The people of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine have every right to secede.The US had no problem ignoring the territorial sovereignty and integrity of Serbia when they recognized Kosovo.