When I first saw this post I thought it was some 80s/90s prototype, would never have taken if for something out of the 60s.
When I first saw this post I thought it was some 80s/90s prototype, would never have taken if for something out of the 60s.
Couldnt agree more.The simple fact is the US needs a bogeyman to sustain the scandalous level of military spending that employs thousands of people.They are also brainwashing people to believe China is a threat.Imagine a superpower throwing its weight around, they must be stopped!
If the US cares oh so much about poor brown people why doesn’t it intervene in Israelis/Saudi/Bahraini/Egyptian/Iraqi human rights abuses.This just exposes the mock sympathy for Syrian civilians as an excuse to annoy Russia and assist Israel
Russia has been far from defeated in Ukraine, in fact the Ukrainian army can’t run away fast enough! Russia occupies Crimea and the eastern states are as ever despite the US assisting Ukranian Neo Nazis
If you class a resounding military successssss as “getting their asses handed to them” what do you think of the US involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq.The US had it’s ass well and truly kicked by cavemen, 2 mortifying defeats in a row.
Name all the counties they have proxied.If I were to name US proxies I would be here all day, god even small neutral Ireland is under the thumb of the US. I welcome the presence of Russia to balance the US the power of the US to destroy countries at will.If Assad falls there will be yet another terrorist state.
After you overthrew the sovereign governments of Iran,Iraq,Libya,Ukraine and Panama to name a few you really need to take a long hard look on the mirror.
Make no mistake, I couldn’t care less about who is murdered by who,as for the “refugees” now don’t get me started on them. To me it is the principle and the hierarchy of death.The US is directly responsible for this whole mess, they should be glad Russia is going to do the fighting.
Oh no! The dreaded wear and tear! The US pours literally billions down the drain every year on a paper tiger military. Don’t forget, for all your military “might” you were still attacked on 911 and then went on to lose in 2 wars against cavemen.Maybe the US should follow Russia lead and actually train its army instead…
Spot the ‘murican
The hypocrisy really gets to me.US invades 2 sovereign states,1 of which was against international law,actively destabilized another,funds terrorists across the middle east with a total death toll in the millions.All in the past 14 years.Russia seized its own territory (don’t forget it was gifted it Ukraine, it was…
Hold up,the US supports Israel which is a terrorist state that has ignored multiple UN resolutions and murdered thousands of innocent men women and children over the past few decades.They sheedded refugee camps,shoot stone throwing children, evict people and seize their property.The US supports Britain which in the…
Russia doesn’t care less about the US,you did absolutely nothing when they seized Crimea and you lost 2 wars I’m the last 15 years against cavemen.Now you are so afraid of them you won’t fight them on the ground.All this US posturing is pointless.Playing a geopolitical chess game with an “enemy” who doesn’t even…
The Wests response has been air strikes. Russia brings aircraft to the table and all of sudden aircraft aren’t of any use.Sorry but that logic is laughable.
The FSA are still terrorists. There are countless videos online of them committing beheadings and executions, the Middle East isn’t Europe.These groups are deeply tribal,people act as though they are a bad of noble freedom fighters.The US is actively finding andndndndnd supporting the overthrowing of a sovereign…
Exactly, people need to stop imaging this proxy shadow war when it simply isn’t there.The Russians aren’t like the Americans, they don’t play people against each other.The US games of funding specific terrorists while demonizing others has played a huge part in getting us where we are today.My mind boggles as to how…
I’m so glad the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq not to mention drone strikes in Pakistan and Somalia were 100% “right”. All those hundred of thousands of innocent civiians dead but hey it was “ right”.
As a European I’m thankful for Russia’s involvement, Putin gets stuff done he is a strong decisive leader. Look at the farce that is the UN, a glorified talking shop of career suits.They will come to some sort of action when it is too late.
It annoys me so much, it actually ruins the site. Tyler’s work is phenomenal and has given me plenty to read on many boring lunch breaks.