The Doctor Is In

Can I hire you to write quick and perfectly scathing retorts to all the idiots who think they are smart on the interwebz?? Seriously, you are my official hero for the day and we are only three hours in!

How is it possible that EVERY SINGLE person who replied to you failed to even properly read your comment that apparently riled them up??? You clearly said life. Even capitalized it for those skimming quickly! All these tangential lawyer wannabes crying out "intent doesn't matter" are myopic simpletons. Intent goes to

This makes me think of one of my favourite quotes that I sprinkle the interwebz with fairly frequently: "Anecdotal evidence isn't." I absolutely abhor the idiotic level of thinking that leads a person to immediately discredit ANYTHING (a study, a news story, a trope, a story my aunt is telling, an account of my

It's ok to be wrong.

Too soon?

Thank you. I have lived most of my adult life drowning and constantly feeling overwhelmed until I would inevitably give up halfway through everything. Now, a year into my diagnosis and treatment I am finally moving forward in both personal and career life. It isn't a miracle drug and I will certainly never feel

The OP claimed the Browns' jerseys were classics, therefore implying that was a major reason why they were good, so I refuted that part of his statement...

Fair enough, most weeks the Jags forget they are in the league too...

Really? I can think of many more much uglier ones. And I assume you aren't counting the throw(up)backs?

I'm going to assume you are using hyperbole to make a point that this guy is an idiot (which I agree with) and not saying that cold weather makes you sick...

I agree!! The Movie was a lot of fun - I still think the scene where Eight marvels at his shoes is such a consummately Doctor moment, and everything Paul McGann has done since for Big Finish has been wonderful!