Lee Adama's Moral Center

Love to feign outrage and tone police an unapologetically outspoken left-leaning woman of color because she dared express anything other than humble reverence toward the living avatar of imperialist white feminism.

It sounds like Clinton is only concerned with party unity when party unity benefits her. Because, while I think both Clinton and Sanders have things they could legitimately be upset about from 2016, only Clinton is refusing to move the fuck on. The reality is, Sanders is running in second place and is the second

That was my first reaction too, but it’s definitely not something you have to be young and traditionally “hot” to participate in. The “hot” part is a bit tongue in cheek, and many of the posts that contain the most likes are a diverse assortment of human beings. It’s more about celebrating the notion that everyone is

When I learned about the hashtag #HotGirlsForBernie/#HotBoysForBernie just now my knee-jerk reaction was, “cringe, I hate it.” I was afraid it would be the lefty version of bottle blondes holding semi-automatic weapons and wearing American flag bathing suits with MAGA caps, but then I perused this phenomenon for

And just as a side note, Democrats should not go around treating the Washington Examiner as a good faith resource.

This exactly! I was going to post something similar and then saw this.

I saw the reaction to Sonmez’s tweet yesterday and was holding my breath for the WaPo’s reaction. Yup. They made the wrong call, just like I thought they would. You don’t punish a reporter for conveying accurate information. She didn’t tweet it directly to his family. She didn’t add commentary calling him anything

If I’m being honest, I have a hard time seeing the good. I don’t think I’ve looked at a picture of Kobe Bryant in the last 15 years without my first thought being “rapist.” Lots of men move on and forget. Women, particularly those who have been subjected to sexual violence at the hands of men, don’t necessarily just

Yes. This case is one of the best examples out there of a victim doing everything right in the aftermath of an assault and still getting totally chewed up by the system. She told a friend. She went to the hospital. She got an exam done. The exam documented evidence, including bruising around her throat (Bryant choked

I may be screaming into the void here but I need to let this out.

“Bernie world could include white liberal racists ‘journalists’ like Glenn Greenwald....”

At some point, compromises are going to have to be made, and people are going to have to ask themselves what is more important, getting Trump out of office, or showing off their “wokeness”?

I mean if you didn’t cry when Yondu died you don’t have a heart. 

Its almost like she has a privilege... 

This is gonna sound snarky but it honest to god is not: you also thought Kamala was an absolute lock for the nomination, so perhaps consider that your hypothesizing could use some work?

He delayed running in 2015 to get Warren to run; he ran after she refused to. He got a lot of momentum going but couldn’t close. He then campaigned for Hillary, including in at least one swing state that she herself didn’t go to. He did 28 more events for her than she did for Obama.

The only immature asshole I see (aside from you) is Clinton herself. She is incapable of taking any goddamn responsibility for HER campaign and your dumb ass make excuse after excuse for her. Bernie supporters for the most part voted for her ass which is more than we can say about her supporters vis a vis Obama.

Hillary Clinton is a fucking entitled ingrate who is desperate to be fucking relevant.

Respectfully, I think Obama’s finest act will have been to pave the way for more-determined reformers like Bernie. Obama, for better or worse, accepted the rules of the game as offered, and played the game as well as it can be played. And to his credit, he did a lot of good for a lot of people with the political

Hillary Clinton calling anyone a ‘career politician’ whom ‘nobody likes’ is the single greatest example of the pot calling the kettle black that I’ve ever seen.