“What is your secret?” -Hillary Clinton
“What is your secret?” -Hillary Clinton
RG3 will have a great run in Cleveland. Too bad they’ll be down 30 to Pittsburgh when it happens.
Nice article, but that should have remained unwritten.
I stand with SVP.
Dear all parents everywhere:
One of the major joys for fathers going to work is being away from kids.
Mark Sanchez is probably a better get than Sam Bradford. Also this delusion I’ve been chugging for the last week as a Broncos fan is going to make me throw up.
“That’s devastating,” Derrick Rose said.
“During a time when the American family started to fall apart, one man decided to pull his back together. Watch the amazing story of a baseball player who decided the real American past-time — was time with his son.”
Man, a kid hasn’t caused this much trouble for Chicago baseball since the Cubs kicked out that goat in 1945.
I don’t know. Goose might appreciate Laroche’s son skipping out on all that fancy learning and other modern stuff that happens in school.
I’m not a kid person. Just not. So take it for what it is when I say that I had a co-worker who used to bring her 4-year-old into the office quite a bit, and I just fucking hated it. Kid would run around, turn up at people’s desks asking questions, and she’d also parade the kid around to “visit” people. Because…
“Kids shouldn’t even be allowed into a ballpark; they might have fun.”
The Department of Children and Family Service in Chicago is currently investigating Adam LaRoche for making his young son watch every 2015 White Sox game.
But you understand there is a reason “anti-social” has a negative context right?
It was during the 2012 presidential election campaigns that I suddenly came upon the horrifying realization that all of the young people in my extended family and their friends were basing their entire political belief systems and worldviews on a vulgar, albeit often hilarious, cartoon. I think I tried once to explain…
Probably easier to say that there is a type of politics that is identifiably derived primarily from being a fan of South Park rather than, y’know. Political engagement. I’m a fan, they’re still really funny people, but hoo boy does Trey Parker’s personal agenda shine through all his work bright and clear: “Making Trey…
Libertarianism is a paper ideology. It looks convincing as a dry equation, but completely falls apart when subjected to real-world, human conditions. Surprise, surprise, trying to apply overly simplistic economic principles to every sphere of human society and governance is not an effective way for the world to…
For the same reason Ray Combs hated libertarians. Until they killed him, that is...