Poor Ben, how insulting can it be, when someone who makes a living taking cumshots in the face won’t kiss you good night.
Poor Ben, how insulting can it be, when someone who makes a living taking cumshots in the face won’t kiss you good night.
This is a little wild, and hear me out, because it’s a little complex: porn stars are human beings and have the right to refuse sex the same as any other person in any other industry
Dont get me started on the hassles Jesus had at TLV when he used his birth certificate as ID.
I don’t think people who aren’t parents of biracial kids understand just how often people insinuate shit. If not outright question you.
American Airlines: You can smuggle babies with us.
They saw Gottlieb and college basketball. Sounds like a thief to me.
Jezebel still publishes peons to David Bowie and he used to f*ck minors - you know, what we all agree Roy Moore is a monster for attempting to do, David Bowie just did.
I totally get this article. I pretty much stopped watching NFL games as well. I watch EPL instead and a variety of other European leagues every now and then. Here are some reasons why:
As you get older, it’s natural to become less interested in sitting on your ass watching other people do things on TV.
As a Minnesotan I have no absolutely zero beef with Winnipeg. The drinking age is 18 in Manitoba, and if you’re from Minnesota and DIDN’T make a trip up to Thunder Bay (or make the full haul to Winnipeg for a weekend), you weren’t livin’.
There aren’t many sports where “doing something not exactly the right way” means you might die as opposed to missing a jump shot, striking out, or looking foolish. If it’s that thin a line in the NFL, we’ve got a huge problem. If Michael Phelps’s fundamentals are off, he loses a race by. 05. If Roger Federer doesn’t…
Osweiler certainly has what it takes to be a QB on an NFL roster. He’s so tall that even if he knelt for the National Anthem, most fans would think he was still standing up.
When I was in college, training for the decathlon, one of my friends was a starting guard on the basketball team. This is a white D3 team, so no amazing NBA talents here, nor even a particularly good D3 division. I being a pickup ball player, and faster, better jumper, and more in shape than my friend, would play…
And thanks for the response on this! I love your articles and reading about boxing is always welcomed!
And thats precisely it. For all his flaws, Mayweather is a serious, professional sportsman. The Irishman is an overpaid teenager who never grew up. Sports shouldn’t be about pandering to the whims of fans, it should be treated with the utmost seriousness and respect.
Are you flirting with me? ;)
So you’re saying you’ve done nothing on every Saturday night of your life before tonight? Sounds cool, mate.
Sophie had a better choice.
Don’t you know? Only Democrats dodged the draft. Republicans avoided it by being rich which is totally acceptable.
Rajon Rondo is so poisonous he has his own MSDS.