It’s almost as if he was upset he just lost the biggest game of his life. Crazy.
It’s almost as if he was upset he just lost the biggest game of his life. Crazy.
The man just got his ass kicked by Denver’s defense in the most important game of his life. I don’t blame him for being a sore loser.
Don’t sweat it, dude. It’s all good.
Did this justify a full article blasting Durant? I mean, I can’t believe Durant is going on so long about a PTI segment, but playing up that here seems to unintentionally fulfill the negative side of what Craggs wrote just this week:
The points written here are certainly valid, but there is no profession in America that is more perpetually offended and aggrieved upon then sportswriters. They make 12 yr old girls cut from the middle school cheerleader squad look like Navy Seals
The rebuild is on, baby!
Coughlin is reported as saying that of all of the New York Giants he coached, Eli was his favourite with Rogers Hornsby a close second.
Why are so many on this site so happy to mock a person like Tomsula? Hard work, modesty, never giving up should be attributes we admire. He has worked harder than any of us and deserves better than constant ridicule.
“Fine, Chip. We’ll make sure it’s a White Christmas.”
White(s only) Christmas.
LeBron. Plays. Basketball. Why are you disappointed that a guy wants to do his job? He’s not a hero. He’s an entertainer, no more, no less.
The Kutch is way too close to the camera for my comfort level. Personal space, goddammit.
Be careful, he might trade Mariota for Case Keenum and a half eaten turkey sandwich. It’s always the move they least expect.
Could care less if Peyton - or anyone - is using. Do care about Peyton setting up his wife and playing the morality card. Not surprised you don’t understand why this is bigger than the PED debate, but whatever.
Miko....That’s....That’s not how birds work at all.
This should be interesting. Sports media overall are a pretty self-righteous group, but those same people are not going to want to go after Peyton Manning.
“I can do for you what I did for Ryan Howard and Ryan Zimmerman!” is the worst drug dealer pitch of all time.
Gary Kubiak originally called it horse crap, but Peyton had to audible to bullshit after seeing the coverage it received.
Medicine and economics are two subjects about which most people no little to nothing. But about which most people have no problem voicing strong opinions on.