
I’m curious at to what effect it had on any MLK day events that were planned or would have been planned if not for this tiny event having such a possibility of violence. Is that possibly the motivation of the racist idiots, to dissuade people of color from celebrating the holiday?

If you haven’t checked out Better Oblivion Community Center, give it a listen. It’s a really great album, especially the middle to back end. Chesapeake is a really great ode to bands that never made it, and to music’s impact. My City is a banger, and Forest Lawn is one of the most beautiful songs that I’ve heard in a

You sir are a great Jalop for your contribution to this tale. Like Mr. Rogers said, “in a time of crisis, look for the helpers”. They restore your faith in humanity.  Or in this case, the folly of man. 

I’ll admit that I’m no amazing chef, I cook at home for a few people, and I’m learning as time goes on. It seems to me that the idea of “cuisine” is such a modern idea that nothing is really authentic or sacrosanct.  The world is constantly changing, and different communities are relocating and adapting their cooking

The liberals on the Protestant side are Methodists and Presbyterians, ie not evangelicals. They generally study scripture actively, instead of wait for some prosperity gospel heretic to spew nonsense into their brains and grift grandma out of all of their money.

Look at what he said about Rep Debbie Dingell’s husband being in hell. Even a lot of people in the crowd thought that was too much.”

I’m a big fan of The Soft Bulletin by the Flaming Lips. Killer jams, great artwork and packaging, and an interesting Sci-fi story.

Seconding this, the dub is pretty wooden, and the cast is so good that even if you don’t speak German you can pick up a lot of subtext. That show is probably my favorite find this year. Can’t wait for season 3. 

Fun fact, this recipe was included in the CD version of Pink Floyd’s album Atom Heart Mother. High school me was a little grossed out by it, today me would probably give it a try. 

Maybe i misread the dialogue, but I thought that his prison stint wasn’t a prison sentence, but being assigned to a prison as a vicar as punishment.  That’s a different story in mind, even if he has bad impulse control.

Their generation’s rallying cry was “don’t trust anyone over 30,” so this guy can fuck right off with his self righteous nonsense. 

I feel like this whole place will be gone by Christmas. Where’s everyone going? Also, i didn’t want to give Deadspin any clicks, but one headline was so garbage that I had to bite. They must not have anyone even reading the submissions, let alone editing them, because they are awful.

I agree, watching old videos is a bit jarring. It’s really fun to see the interactions between the different personalities too, which I think is what makes their videos work so well. It’s an ensemble cast!  

I’m really glad to hear a positive response to the game. It’s been a lot of shit talking around these parts. I’ve waited to buy it, but I’m replaying 2 right now. I never cared too much about the story, I was more invested in the shoot-loot thing. Is it more of that?  That’s all I need to pay them full price. Who

Shouldn’t we be talking about the DA violating the gag order the night before the trial?

Now playing

Same for me. Here’s a delightful video of her answering questions while her dog is playing rough as hell with her, and she seems completely unfazed.

I know that your post is almost a month old now, but I’d really like to add that this is a really great description of what resonates with me with the game design.  I’ll admit that I’m an architecture nerd, and I have a weird soft spot for brutalist design.  I think you nailed what appeals to me about that style, the

Saw the movie tonight, and it was pretty fun, if a bit formulaic. On the ride home, my female friend and I were discussing it, and I facetiously said “I just feel like it had no real fleshed-out male characters” and she cut me off with “Good!” We had a laugh after that, because it’s obviously a women’s story, and

Good. I really have nothing more to add to that sentiment. Fuck this garbage grifter and the damage that he’s done. 

I posted this on the A.V. Club, you may want to wait it out. The garbage framerate issues on console really kill the experience a lot. I’m genuinely loving the game and the lore, but performance issues are making it difficult to proceed. Even the cutscenes lock up; I’ve probably only seen 50% at full speed, which