Standard practice when you have a pool in Florida. I’ll be sinking all of the backyard furniture Sunday.
Standard practice when you have a pool in Florida. I’ll be sinking all of the backyard furniture Sunday.
I’ve been playing this a ton in the past 2 days, and while I would definitely recommend the game, it comes with a HUGE caveat. If you’re a console player, framerate drop is a massive issue, and they’re talking of pushing an update late September. I would hope by then I would be done with my play through.
Weird, I remember my action figure of the Fridge having a silver football on a chain. And I think I had to mail something in to Hasbro to get him. The 80s were strange, man.
He’s strictly an indoor, so no experience with mousing, but he has a pretty strong prey drive whenever the errant bug gets in.
Man, I’m still torn, because I’m looking for a new game to play, and I’ve loved the modern Wolfenstein. The price point isn’t bad, but I play solo, and the co-op mechanic on solo sounds frustratingly bad, as does the enemy respawn. And I’ve read that the story is lacking. But damn do I love the gunplay in these games.…
My family are all from small town Georgia, going back to the 1740s. I’ve definitely heard terms like Slumgullion and Pogey Bait in my youth. Sounds like placeholder names for food types between the depression and the end of WW2. I love this stuff.
Old school Tampan here, and while most local sando places don’t put it on a Cuban sandwich, it’s a pro move. Fucking delicious, but not as good as a Cuban dipped in garbonzo soup. That’s the local way.
I think that the pushback from fans of the series is similar to the pushback against Fallout76. Both games, at least in this era, were single player experiences full of great NPCs and lore. Both games have now turned a sense of isolation from the players’ perspective on its’ head. And the lack of a solid stealth…
I’ve come to the realization that every movie I’ve liked recently is an A24 production. I’m at the point now that when I see their logo, I think “welp, here’s another that I’m gonna see in the theaters.”
Ugh, take your star. Pack it in boys, we’re all done here.
Here’s the thing, the southern evangelical thing is a cult. Remember that. I was raised in the PCUSA Presbyterian faith, which is very accepting, and focused on intellectual interpretations. But the evangelical world is focused on their leaders preaching their view of the gospel. Their teachings are frequently…
I’m totally bummed about the first impressions for the new Wolfenstein. Sounds like single player isn’t great, and that’s my default. As of right now, shoehorning multiplayer into traditionally single player experiences has ruined this and Fallout for me. I’ll wait for more reviews, but for now I’ll keep trying to…
Same. We freaking see you from the booth, and my house staff will come at you. But when we have shows with nudity, I will come at you myself, and probably do it on com for the rest of the crew to hear.
Same here, and they were all laughing hysterically at all of the jokiness about sex and drug stuff back then.
An excellent addition to this would be Echo in the Canyon, which is showing in Indy theaters right now. Great look at the ‘65-‘67 folk-turned-rock scene from Laurel Canyon California. Jakob Dylan is the narrator, and there are some unbelievable modern re-interpretations of the classics with his live band and some…
I watched the Castle of Cagliostro this past weekend, and it was a blast from start to finish. And incredibly beautiful too. I’d never read any of the manga, and I only had a cursory understanding of the franchise, but the snappy pace any pretty strong storytelling set the hook for me. I think that it’s free on…
I literally had an experience from maybe 10 years ago in a major theme park for Florida, where I was belted into a small “mouse coaster” for a ride. One bar against both of our laps. I am a larger man, and my 10 year old nephew was a small kid. I had to keep a death grip around his torso for the ride. Carnival…
In my mind the reason they used My Bologna was a tongue in cheek reference to the Reality Bites soundtrack, which had My Sharona, which those of my generation immediately turned into My Winona.
Link’s busted, can’t find it on a YouTube search. Bummer, I think that’s one of Cornell’s finest. I’d love to hear Eddie’s take on it. Here’s another really good showcase of his talent: