
I really wish he’d put a “motherfucker” at the end of the tweet, it was absolutely asking for it. 

I’ve been liking her stuff a lot since I discovered her about 6 months ago. Then I started reading things about her and I had to check Wikipedia, because I was 100% certain that she was in her 20s. I’m in my 40s, and certainly not as up on a lot of new stuff, but holy shit, she’s a kid with that much chill and

Thanks David, knockin it out of the park again with a terrific story. Great color, great wheels, and I’m particular to the fixed lights, they keep the lovely hood line intact.

Wikipedia says White Castle was formed in 1929, Krystal in 1932.  Krystal also has great short corn dogs (pups), which is a fantastic addition to a bag of sliders. 

Prolapsed Buttholes

This is the proper way to eat them. Almost oatmeal, but even more dense. I probably can only eat 1/2 a cup, with a cup of milk and 2tbsp of sugar when it’s been heated, but I’ve got energy for days. 

I’m split right down the middle between FO3 and NV. I loved that 3 had a completely realized wasteland, and there were great side stories to be found, regardless of which direction you wandered. Many of them made you have to traverse the map, which was super great too. NV was a bit of a railroad, as far as how they

I have to respectfully disagree. The point of the boycott is to remove tax dollars (and basic income from viable businesses) from a location because that location is pushing harmful policies. The money is the be all-end all part of politics these days. Leaders of an industry threaten to pull out of an area, and all

And get paid speaking gigs!  What a time to be alive.  

Yes, Luigi is Mario’s brother, hence the name Super Mario Bros. Their last name is Mario, so they’re Mario Mario and Luigi Mario. I wish I was making this up, but Miyamoto confirmed it. And that is officially the dumbest thing I’ve had to type this week. 

at approx. 2:55 in the video, the character is spotted by those military guys in the ATV, and it makes a very close approximation to the MGS alert sound. Definitely sounds like a stealth game. Also, in a previous trailer, the setting looked like WW2. In this one, i see sections in WW1, and the ending looks like

Natalie Wynn is a freaking treasure. Smartest person on YouTube, as far as I’m concerned. She’s also remarkably approachable and even vulnerable in her interviews, which I love. There’s an amazing person behind all of that incredible gloss. Great production values, but also human as Hell. I love that she’s so honest

Now playing

Thanks for not posting any of their names, this is an excellent policy. Deprive them of the one thing they sought to gain from this, besides revenge. You can’t take back the deaths, but you sure as hell can take back the fame. Here’s an excellent deep dive on incels from Contrapoints, my favorite place for analysis of

I’ll agree. And now our watch has ended. I liked what they did. 

I was pleasantly surprised, they actually finished out the story. I love that the story came back to the Starks. I’m sure that there will be thousands of blogs that have grievances, but I like that it came back around the way it did. I’m mostly glad that Bronn made it out alive. 

I’ll admit that the first month or so of Desantis being in, I was cautiously optimistic, but he turned heel real quick. Fuck this guy, and fuck the legislature.  64.5% of the voting populous voted in favor. If twice the amount of people voted go something than against it, that’s a pretty big statement. 

Anita Seeamanaja 

Honestly, I was Tormund in my youth. And after a while I was like “fuck y’all, I’m moving away to not be a part of all this dumb drama. Local gals know what’s up anyhow.”

Yeah, I noticed that too

Same, she’s absolutely killing it, now that they’ve given her all of that emotional depth. Hail Ser Brienne of Tarth.