
I’ve been slow-playing Division 2 and loving it so far. I usually play solo, and I appreciate that you can, even through the story missions, and send out a request for matchmaking if you need help. Beautiful world-building, snappy cover based shooting, and few bugs to speak of.

Still curious about the actress that will play Yennifer. I guess my main pick would have been Kate Beckinsale, only because I want to see more Kate Beckinsale. You could probably get a tree stump to play Geralt, but that supporting cast had better be incredible. I’ll still watch it, because the Witcher 3 is some of

I’ll point this out, since Shep didn’t. If you’re interested in the story part of this shooter, which is remarkably deep for a game about shooting Nazis in the face, make sure to play the first game before this one. The story has a lot more weight if you’ve played the first. And it’s a great game on its’ own. Not to

I’ll point this out, since Shep didn’t. If you’re interested in the story part of this shooter, which is remarkably

Good luck David! Always love your Moab stories. Your lack of 4WD has me curious, are you attempting any trails this time? I still love the pic of Project Redwood up on an impossibly high spot.  It would be amazing to see the postal service pride of being able to handle terrain like that. 

The “We” in the headline is misleading, the population isn’t interested in making air travel worse, the airlines and their subsequent industries are interested in making airline experiences miserable for the sake of bottom line. “We” don’t have any say until it’s forced upon us. This should absolutely be regulated

Hot damn, is this where we post our monsters today? I’m in. Here’s my rescue, Sylvester. He’s still figuring out how to be graceful, but he’s cute, so he’s got that going for him.  

Vinnie!   The episode where he learns about olive oil is a masterpiece of editing. 

I’m soloing it right now, and I’m having a ton of fun. I’m no stranger to Ubi shooters, which may be helpful, but learning the cover mechanic was immensely helpful/frustrating. On the point of spongy tank enemies, I’ve had good experience with headshots blowing their helmets off and nocking them down fairly quickly.

It’s crazy that Seaman worked at Jez, small freaking world.  Really fantastic read, I appreciate how thorough the research seems to be. You definitely sold a copy to me. 

I was gonna comment about how incredible this thing turned out, and how amazing the operation went, despite having an idiot billionaire needlessly insert himself into the situation to make it about himself and likely make the process more difficult. I’m glad that this sentiment isn’t only mine. Fuck that needy

I’m frequently surprised at how good the AI is. I’ve played a lot of Ubi games, and this is dialed up to 11. 

I got totally hammered at the beginning trying to solo stuff At the start, specifically the side missions. But clearing out contested areas early, which was a horrible misstep on my part, gets much easier once you wrap your head around the guns, cover mechanic, and secondary skills. I’m fairly competent now, after 2

I stayed at the Willard in 2010, and ventured out a bit on my time off. The little details are uncanny. Ubisoft always does their homework on their games, and I’ve been blessed to have been to a number of the settings for their games, but it’s really incredibly thorough. I’m super glad to know my way around enough

The cynic in me thinks that this was put out as an obvious target for outrage. When people complain about it, they put that small amount of money back in, and leave all of the other awful draconian cuts. 

Hey, I finally got Kinja to let me stay logged in after clicking past the first forum loadin screen on my phone! Ok, I’ve been playing FarCry New Dawn this weekend, and while I’ve been enjoying it, I’ve found it profoundly easy compared to FC3, much like FC5. The leveling is so easily exploitable by switching load

Her interview with John Oliver is pretty fantastic. She’s remarkable for having an immense amount of poise after her life was basically ruined by tabloid journalism, and having a sense of humor about it. John asked some great questions, and let her essentially re-write her narrative. She’s incredibly self-aware, but

Gendry is ok, although pretty 1-dimensional, but the real star of the show is Bronn. If they kill him off, I’ll be pissed.

I’ll admit that I’m a bigger music fan than a sports fan, but Jesus Christ is James Dolan the worst, and hopefully his brand of dadrock is dying off with all af the garbage babyboomers.

Full blooded Tampan here, thanks for the review. Admittedly, I haven’t tried it yet because it isn’t as common in town yet, but it’s so incredible to see our local stuff talked about on such a large scale. Cigar City has really done a great job with making quality stuff over the years, and getting it into the beer

Man, it’s incredible to me how often the parts gods bless you with a miracle, or you go to a massive junkyard and find the exact thing you need. Must me a Michigan thing. Godspeed, you maniac.  I love my DTracy posts, especially this time of year. We’re all rooting for you, you idiot.