
First of all, it’s great to have you back Fahey, and good luck with your recovery. Second, what a great time we’re living in for when someone has to be in the hospital for an extended period. My mom was in the hospital and various outpatient facilities last year for knee replacement for over 3 weeks this past year.

Anyone else have issues on IOS too? When I’m on Safari, I’ll load the first page and my profile will be logged in. Go to another Giz site, and I’m logged off, and can’t log back on no matter how hard I try. No other apps open, and I still can’t log on. Here on my desktop, I’ve had the page jump thing happen 5 times on

I remember as a kid in Florida in 1984, I did a report on Michael Jackson because Thriller was huge. I wore a killer Members Only jacket, and found a single glove to wear, as I delivered it to my entire private school lunchroom. I never once considered wearing blackface or a wig, because at 8 years old I knew it was

I just bought Odyssey on sale, and haven’t started it yet, but now I’m stoked. Black Flag is one of my favorite AC games for this touch, and living in the tropics gives me a visceral response to all of the little details. Many of the extra bits on the maps in AC games feel like a slog, but dammit I was all in for

The insidious part is that it’s not just industrial robots, either.  Hell, got to a Home Depot or WalMart, and most likely there is a self-checkout area with 4 scanners, and one employee manning them.  That sure looks like a net loss of 3 workers to me.

If I recall correctly, it’s payload is larger than its’ actual weight. Got to ride one of these at summer camp when I was a kid, and it was a bumpy as hell ride. 

Your comment is probably the best indicator of Jalop’s feelings on it. The ratio of likes to comments is a pretty good indicator, as far as I can tell. The sound is pretty good, and I have an old school longing for the Supra. But that front end is ugly as Hell. It looks like an RX-8 with some extra ugly face bits

Now playing

In case it hasn’t been posted yet, here’s the best way to dice one, by Marco Pierre White:

Yeah, the short that they put out before the release of the movie was pretty great. I was glad to get a little extra content and context before the movie, and doubly so after the movie was so good. I really hated that he was retired in the very beginning, he was a great character. It was cool that he was the one

“She’s putting on a show?” First of all, a college kid showing exuberance shouldn’t be verboten while in college, unless you’re a ridiculous person that can’t handle a woman’s pleasure, even if it’s non-sexual. If you have an issue with her hair in the video, what do you want women to do with their long hair? If

I’ve done a bit of international traveling over the past 20 years, and this isn’t a uniquely American problem. The Airports in Britain can be pretty bad, and the ones in Germany can be atrocious. But Amsterdam has got killer bathrooms these days. Toilet facilities are used by all travelers, regardless of status.

Lol, thanks for the obvious troll. Would you like to refute anything I said, or is this boring comment all you’ve got? This site is for artistic analysis of film, but the best you’ve got is that no one should shoot in black and white, and that my calling you out on that makes me pretentious. My feelings are so hurt.

Great googly moogly, I’m not sure if I should be burned by this hot take or cut on its’ edginess. This has to be the dumbest take on film this week, maybe this month. Congrats on being completely uneducated on film, and on visual mediums in general. Artists paint with many different colors, and sometimes choose

I heartily concur. I watched both today, and after watching Bird Box I thought, “that was pretty ok, and I’m always happy watching Sandra Bullock.”  While I was watching Roma I was staring in disbelief at what I was watching, it was so incredibly well done. People probably won’t be talking about BB after this season,

I’m sure that I’ll get dragged for this take, but here goes:”I have to resist the urge to crawl into a small, quiet place and stay there. But where is this level of heightened (fine, even unnecessary and unproductive) self-awareness in straight men? When it comes to getting sex or attention or a date, men have no

Regarding Vas, you hit the nail on the head. When he was taking over for Bish, it was a terrifying turn of events. And it was a fairly rocky start. But damn, that guy has really come into his own in the past year+.  

I only get in on the vote for about 20% of these, but one of the metrics I’m interested in is the np/cp on sub-$10k offerings. They always seem to be np if the ask is less than that, unless they’re total dogs. 

But but but, ladies, look at these dumb boys trying out coping mechanisms, right?! Now let’s guzzle Pinot and watch trash tv about garbage people with no redeeming qualities trying to destroy each other. Those boys are so dumb, amirite?  #blessed

Now playing

I’m sure that I’ll be buried in the massive snowy mound of comments, but I have such a big love for Just Friends for one scene in particular. Quite possibly the best scene of decoration destruction ever put on film:

We have a weird one that is from my parent’s generation, specifically their oldest friends in our current city. We have some really kitschy pillows that spell NOEL, that we put out on our sofa in the most conspicuous part of the house. Years ago, my godfather pointed out to me that Noel also spells “Leon”. So now we