
It's really depressing and surreal

Fair enough. My point with the whatabouts though is to show that this kind of political and geopolitical manipulation is normal, and the only reason it works is because your country has many systemic issues.
It's easier to point fingers but the real culprits come from the US itself, whether it's decades of right-wing

Yeah, that annoyed me there, replacing Jesse's dad's final words You need to be one of the good guys son, because there's way too many of the bad with "You're destined for something" gave me bad Kevin Costner Superman dad vibes

Yeeeees, such an effective little moment

Huh, didn't realize I missed the show so much, I've truly enjoyed to be back and these 2 episodes were great, it seems the show is moving in the right direction.
Jesse's characterization is still a little off though, hopefully they'll develop his character more soon, he's just an unfunny dick most the time.

Honestly, I'd say that the Red Son Superman is closer to the normal Superman than the DCEU one is

"Talk about it when necessary and when information comes to light, don't trivialize it and talk about it all the time because it suits your narrative and because fear sells" That's basically what I'm advocating.
I can't tell you the number of Russia-related headlines I read, hoping that we finally got something would

Stop twisting my words, I never said you shouldn't report on it either.
Look, I'll take an extreme example from right-wing reporting so you'll maybe see what I mean:
if a Muslim stabs a guy screaming "Allah" it will be talked about forever, even if regular stabbings occur all the time everywhere and are never reported

Writing and acting in Arrow have their great moments but in general they are VERY clearly inferior to Agents of SHIELD and "peak-TV", and "peak-TV" to me would be a combination of excelling in all or most of these elements (writing, acting, cinematography, pacing, music etc)… which Arrow imo doesn't, even if at it's

Never said you shouldn't do anything about it, clearly and thankfully you are doing something about it since there are several official investigations into the matter.
What I'm against is the disproportionate Russia-conspiracy rhetoric in the media, which dominates the news even when it doesn't deserve it and

Yes, exactly, so what's your problem with my statement? You think it's ok that the left is suddenly all on board with Russia scare-mongering, the very thing they have been fighting against the whole past century, just because it suits them?

It had several good parts, but mostly it was a very convoluted plot about a super-villain sister and forced emotions and sentimentality

Holy shit, when have I ever said that Russia wasn't trying to influence American politics?
Duh, it's almost certain it happened, that's what they do! (and that's what your government does too)
Still doesn't change the fact that this sudden extreme anti-Russia rhetoric is misguided and damaging

No, because for some reason you assume I'm Pro-Russia… I live in Europe btw, we have even more reason to be in conflict with Russia right now, Putin has been fucking with us for years

You're the perfect illustration of the "Us vs Them" mentality that someone else pointed out here

Oh sure, I don't doubt that it happened and that the Russian Putin oligarchy is completely corrupted, I'm just saying that this normalization of anti-Russia rhetoric seems misguided and damaging.

Same, I'm never really sure what to feel about them… At least there's the fact that you will be reading it with the voices from the show, which makes the read different from usual comics

Huh, so the Rick and Morty comics are actually worth it?
I'm skeptical about comics that spun-of from popular stuff from other mediums, but then again the Invader Zim comics have been great… I might just check them out

Ok, whatever, than it definitely happened, doesn't change the fact that this drumming up of old anti-russian/communist sentiment is despicable.