
Sure, of course you can be pissed about it, but first of all maybe wait for definitive proof? Either way, it probably happened, but it honestly doesn't excuse this blatant anti-Russia rhetoric that suddenly seems to be accepted by everyone. Sure, criticize Putin's shitty government all you want, but what I'm seeing

Seriously, I want Trump impeached as much as the next guy, but this Russian witch-hunt is getting out of hand. Where are the leftist PC people now when everybody is using "Russian" as an despicable insult like it was the f*cking Cold War?

…and? There are dumb people everywhere, and living under almost a century of communism and propaganda leaves a mark…
Many popular US presidents had a devastating impact on the rest of the world too

Boo-hoo, in the end your stupid system and your stupid people elected him. Also it's the Russian government and not the Russians, you know how many countries the US government fucked over?

I mean, you don't have to look far, the Breaking Bad "spin-off" Better Call Saul is just as much peak-TV as BB was

Hannibal is great from beginning to end imo, and even though it was cancelled the finale is just perfect.

Shit, I forgot about Archer! That one deserves an honorable mention at least, though it was again quite divisive

The US has a hang-up with nudity, that's just how it is, so for them having nudity onscreen is still something new and exiting I guess.

Completely agreed, Self Control alone was among the best episodes of TV I ever saw

My most consistently enjoyable TV series this year:
Better Call Saul, Agents of SHIELD, Legion, Archer, Legends of Tomorrow

Meaning that I love Dick is vastly superior to GoT…?

Nice "little" list, there's so much great TV out there that it's hard to keep up.
From what I've seen, Better Call Saul takes the cake, Villigan really is a master of his craft.

Ice makes me eeeeeeeviiiiiiil

I mean, I also loved Arrow this season, but come one, it should be nowhere near a list of best TV. The acting, writing, cinematography etc is non-existent compared to the current peak-TV.
I'd argue that AoS S4 could and even should be in such a list, for a genre show it had some fantastic production values

That's actually why I like the first Hobbit movie the most, it's the one that best captures the more light-hearted spirit of adventure and not the "LOTResque" epic

I never thought about that before but now I want it.
Damn yoooooooou Del Toro, I barely had time to make peace with no Hellboy 3 and now this!

Thanks for the tip, I'll do that next time… Man, and there I was all ready and hyped to discuss comics, I really missed out

What….? That's weird, I checked the whole AVClub front-page many times on Friday, what the hell..?

I'm totally late to this particular party, but Welcome to our community! See you around!

Also, any reason why there was no comic book write-up last Friday?
Or is this just another one of the AVClubs' last good contents that they are dropping completely?