These cross-overs are just so weird and out there, I kind of love it, I'll really have to check them out.
It's also a nice contrast to the DC movies that mostly are uber-serious and up their own ass with darkness and grittiness
These cross-overs are just so weird and out there, I kind of love it, I'll really have to check them out.
It's also a nice contrast to the DC movies that mostly are uber-serious and up their own ass with darkness and grittiness
I love that too, that's basically how he is portrayed in Rebels and it's awesome!
First part is clearly personal, can't really argue with you there besides the fact that beyond a few jokes I myself never saw it, he always seemed infatuated with girls like Molotov or Trianna's villainous friend (btw, I'd love to see her pop up again).
Yes, exactly, I find it incredibly inconsiderate that so many websites have auto-playing videos and a ton of extra-shit that uses so much bandwidth and computer-power. Not everybody has a fast PC and unlimited bandwidth!
Just… wait for it, they will obviously wrap it up. It sucks to wait and that they couldn't put out a resolution for the season yet, but that doesn't render the whole season meaningless. Have some patience for fuck's sake, if you find the eventual hour-long special or whatever they'll release later on unsatisfactory…
I've heard you complain about that in another article already, how did S6 ruin Hank?
Just because, like all teenagers, he now has a girl on his mind? He still is the confident goofball we knew, and is still a surprisingly brave/competent potential future Brock … did you forget that he zip-lined between 2 buildings like…
For what it's worth, 90%+ on Rottentomatoes
No surprise there, against all odds this turned out to be a great fucking franchise!
Cesar has got to be the best full CGI character ever, right?
Who cares about domestic… Like Pirates 5 or the fucking Mummy Transformers is a flop in the US, but international is looking pretty well, damn us foreigners!
If only they would have just had the guy holding the Death Star Plans be behind the next door of the corridor separated from Vader, it would have been just as cool without making Vader look rather incompetent… Anyways, glad you and so many other people enjoyed it, if you aren't watching Rebels you should check it out,…
…and failing and stupidly letting the heroes escape with the vital information that he could have just taken instantly with the force.
Sorry, I don't want to piss on your parade, I liked the scene well enough, but I saw RO after having been hyped for a BIG Vader scene and this was nothing all that special to me, I…
That's why his name sounded so familiar!
Ok, I know that, what I meant with "random historical reference" is that's it's about something on Earth irl, nothing to do with SW
Personally I don't like it that much because it ads so little to the universe… I'm a fan of this big and crazy world, it's not so much the rehash of the traditional hero story that bothers me but the rehash of the same exact status quo
Haha, it took me a few seconds to figure that one out.
Is there another superdumb pun in the Ellis Island bit or is it just a random historical reference?
The premise is great, but just do it with a new character…
Ugh, apparently Han Solo isn't even his real name, so that's a story that needs to be told I guess…
First, no Harrison Ford. Second, Han already had his character arc in Ep4 and his background is just better left unseen
Wasn't Johnson supposed to do EP9 too, or am I just miss-remembering it?
Trevorrow does worry me, I despise "Safety not guaranteed" and Jurassic World was just completely dumb
The "Han Solo" solo movie is an idiotic concept from the get-go, so who cares who's behind it? Not that the director would have much of a say anyway in these committee-made movies…
I'm not worried, I'm equally as uninterested as I was before
I'm sure it will be somewhat explored further along the line, but for now they have no real relation whatsoever so it seems normal that Dermott would stay with his mother