
Deadpool - World's Greatest Vol. 5 and 6 - As a big fan of the previous run I'm a little torn on this one because it switched things up a little too much for me, but it neatly and progressively reincorporates elements in an interesting way while telling it's own stories. Overall it's enjoyable and a great read, plus

Just stumbled upon the funniest Trump take-down I saw in a long time, coming from former mexican president Fox no less: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I just stumbled upon the funniest Trump take-down I saw in a long time, coming from former mexican president Fox no less: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Well yes, as a big fan of District 9 I completely agree that it's disappointing, but isn't this potential all the more reason to not give up on him after 2 measly misfires?

Seriously, why does Blomkamp get so much shit though?
It's not like he has been churning out movies for decades, I don't get this hate at all, he only made 3 movies for fuck's sake!
One of them is a fantastic debut, and 2 of them are disappointing/mediocre follow-ups. Is that enough to consider him a worthless hack who

Why the hell is this "Cosby saga" of articles a thing, for fuck's sake?
Are there no better ways to get some clicks?
Does "Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed" immediately make you think about an old rape trial of a celebrity? Ugh

Just go look at some basic facts, neither Canada nor any other developed country (which Mexico isn't btw) is nowhere near the US in terms of Gun-related violence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

Haha, right? It's not like they have to keep Lawrence for consistency's sake, Mystique is like the one character where you can work around that without even trying. Plus, since when does Fox care about continuity?

Obviously the fact that "The US is the developed country with the easiest access to guns" is completely unrelated to the fact that "The US is the only developed country where violent shootings are commonplace". As usual, 'Merica knows best

Not if one of them has a 80 year-history and the other one was just created a few years ago. What I mean is that it seems a little early, give DCEU the time to have at least 8 movies under their belt and then we'll talk

I agree with pretty much all your points, but they just aren't that big of a negative to me… also I'm in the minority that thinks X3 wasn't bad.
Anyways, to me the only thing that is a little hard to get over is that X1 is really dated nowadays, it's a good movie that perfectly introduced iconic characters, but wether

I mean, it's still not a real rivalry… Seriously, even if all 4 DCEU films would have gotten universal acclaim and grossed even more than they did, they are still like 15 movies behind

I'd change good for great in your sentence, to me all X-Men movies (except Wolverine Origins) are at least good. The great ones are X2, First Class, DoFP and Logan (and Deadpool, which is barely an X-Men movie to be fair).

I don't even care for the Fantastic Four, but can you imagine Dr Doom or 'Galactus in the MCU?

A rivalry would imply that they are playing in the same league, lol.
One good movie does not make you competition, DC is still the dumb little brother playing catch-up (come on MANIMAL, take the bait!)

At least Fassbender seems like he wants to be there and he actually always gives the strongest performance so I'm fine with it, but Lawrence is just horrible, just ditch her

Eh, still don't care much for the main X-Men franchise. I'll be there for Fassbender acting the hell out of his (admittedly unneeded) part alone I guess, but damn, how they wasted the new blank slate that was introduced in the awesome First Class…

Like, does Sony try to be hated by everybody? Is this some kind of new and experimental PR method that we are not aware of?

There were 2 Planes movies already? When did that happen?