
I remember it, it's a good little movie… though Woody Allan's very similar Antz is much more enjoyable for adults, such an underrated gem

Who cares, Incredibles 2 will come out soon! I've been waiting for so long!

Maybe their quality has been a little less stellar lately, but to me Finding Dory and Brave are still great animation movies, and Monster University is fun fluff. I have yet to see a bad/mediocre Pixar movie

I don't mind the Cars franchise that much, I think everybody knows that it's just there to make money through merchandise… If this helps to get the rest of their incredibly awesome and high quality movies paid and made I'm all for it.

Aaaaaahhhh, I'm so scared of what might happen to Nacho and his family, Michael Mando is just the best.
To a lesser degree I'm also really anxious about Kim, though I don't really think she's in mortal danger like him, at worst she will loose her job and be emotionally devastated… Which, man, I'm also dreading

Lundgren chewing scenery has been one of the highlight this season to me, so much fun

Fun little extra episode, plus Gene was on fire tonight!

Even the later seasons had several gems in there, but the overall charm was lost to most viewers

I think that's because of what Red Letter Media said in their review, Mummy's by their very nature are somewhat culturally insensitive, so to avoid any kind of outrage (by white college kids, lol), the committee that made this movie decided to make the Mummy the least "Egyptian Mummy"-like as possible

Never saw it, is it any good?

When I saw the 1st episode it felt like the most cliched and dumb sitcom ever, but it does end up being very subversive and original in parts, and you end up attached to the characters. Plus it was a lot of fun. It's one of the better sitcoms, and could have been one of the greats if they didn't drag it out so much

Yeah, Blunt really is great and was much more memorable in the movie, I reckon I could watch Full Metal Bitch slashing Aliens forever… And even if Tom Cruise had a somewhat different and more interesting role and as usual he was perfectly serviceable, I'd say the movie worked despite him and not thanks to him

That mummy design actually is pretty great, I especially love the "double-pupil" thingy, I don't think I've ever seen that before, it looks creepy and otherworldly.
Too bad Boutella didn't have a better movie for her titular character

and Tropic Thunder I guess, though his role is more a cameo in that one

Mostly agreed, though I'm not so sure about EoT, isn't it way more satisfying to see Tom Cruise getting killed over and over again? Though I agree that the movie could have worked without the obligatory romance with Blunt to prove that Cruise has a big case of the "not-gays"

Hey, I'm up for another entry of Edge of Tomorrow, that movie was a lot of fun

If you think so… I mean, there's a reason none of them are critically panned, there certainly is a certain quality standard there, even if they certainly can be bland/predictable

Eh, like most people I didn't like the HIMYM finale, but I found it serviceable enough.

Looks great, I'm pumped!
Also pleasantly surprised to see Martin Freeman again, didn't knew he would show up again.

Wait, what? What the fuck is that? Come on, disqus works fine and you can use it on many platforms, whyyyyyyyy?